Netflix insists on interactive movies: Escape the Undertaker coming soon | entertainment

Netflix insists on interactive movies: Escape the Undertaker coming soon |  entertainment

A new interactive movie will be released on Netflix in October with the aim of giving viewers a hard time.

Netflix did an important experiment when it was released Black Mirror: Bandersnatch And it had a good effect, albeit not enough to continue down this path. The interactive class was generally loved, but Since then the first shows of this kind have been counted. However, a horror movie with this narrative genre will arrive in October.

Interactive movies are those that look like video games, In some moments of the story, the viewer has the possibility to choose what he wants the hero to do. A way to keep those who see it active and introduce them to the dynamics of the story.

It has now been announced that Netflix and WWE have prepared a project that will be launched in time for Halloween and touted as being particularly terrifying. It’s called Escape the Undertaker and will premiere on October 5..

as stated in EngadgetThe film will have three main components from The New Day, which are known within the world WWE, Wrestling and Wrestlemania. They will go toVery haunted house, full of supernatural challengesin which they must live.

The starting point is a classic in horror movies and is expected to add the genre, along with the dates and viewers WWE might attract, at least in the US. Ingredients needed to achieve audience success. Although it is a project that raises some doubts from our point of view.

Escape the Undertaker will be Netflix’s new attempt to offer something interactive. We’ll see how it works and if it’s able to attract more audience now that it is More established platform in mobile formatEven with their video games.

When that special episode of Black Mirror was released, families and groups of friends got together to watch or play it. Will the same thing happen with Escape the Undertaker? It will largely depend on the upgrade they do.

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