Register mobile phone. Coparmex asks not to fall into tyranny

Register mobile phone.  Coparmex asks not to fall into tyranny

Mexico City /

Confederation of Employers of the Mexican Republic (CoparmexHe pointed out that the National Register of Mobile Phone Users is completely against the constitution while violating the security of citizens MexicoHe stressed that the country should not fall into authoritarian tendencies such as Afghanistan a Venezuela.

In his weekly message, the head of the organization Jose Medina MouraAccording to the party, he noted Brown woman Who promoted reform so Census Which must contain Biometric data for usersIt aims to prevent major crimes committed through mobile devices.

“We believe that the argument under which it aims to believe that defending the safety of people is wrong is that they should jeopardize their safety through unconfirmed dealing with Biometric data. The risk is very high for all mobile phone users and in Coparmex We demand that the privacy of the personal data of Mexicans be respected, “he stressed.

It was mentioned that nip from U.S Credit card Or a password for an account e-mailThey can be changed as many times as necessary to keep the user safe; However, biometric data cannot be dispensed with, nor can it be changed, so misuse of it can cause irreparable harm.

Representative of the Coparmex I confirm that Mexico “You should not join the list of countries with authoritarian tendencies that require, by law, the registration of biometric data associated with SIM cards, including: Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Bangladesh, China, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Uganda, the United Arab Emirates, and Venezuela. “

A representative of the business said: “This risk is inherent because through this information a huge and centrally managed database will be created, making it vulnerable to hacks or leaks that would cause severe harm to users.”

And he called on the executive authority to respect the independence of the judiciary so that it is free from any kind of external pressure, and decisively in favor of the citizens, as it is a matter of ensuring the safety of 90 million people who have mobile phones. .


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