Target 13. Lidl will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80% in Spain before 2030

Target 13. Lidl will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80% in Spain before 2030

Aware of global warming of the planet and the impact of its activity, Lidl together with the Schwarz Group, of which it is part, A climate strategy was developed with the aim of contributing to the Paris Agreement and avoiding dangerous climate change, keeping global warming well below 2°C and continuing efforts to limit 1.5°C.

In this sense, in Spain, Lidl will work on Reduce your emissions Greenhouse gases (GHG) 80% until 2030 and to be Carbon neutral until the end of 2022. These goals will also affect sellers, as this will require those responsible for 75% of greenhouse gas emissions, a proprietary climate strategy based on a methodology science-based goals (science-based goals) Until 2026.

Constant search for practical solutions to reduce carbon dioxide emissions2 The focus of Lidl has been in Spain in recent years, since 2018, thanks to various initiatives, its direct emissions have decreased by 44% *.
For this reduction in carbon dioxide emissions2 also contributed to it, Since 2018, 100% of the electricity used by Lidl in Spain is from renewable sourcesThat is, four years before the group’s 2022 target.

Companies play an important role in ensuring that global temperature targets are met. Our commitment is based on science-based goals because we believe this is the only real way to evolve toward a low-carbon economy that helps fight climate change. Only in Spain in recent years have we implemented several initiatives that have led us to be a benchmark in CO2 reduction2 Promote sustainable measures in logistics, building our institutions or managing our waste,” he says Michaela Richell, Director of Corporate Social Responsibility at Lidl Spain.

Lidl Spain: concrete measures

In our country, Lidl is working to achieve the goals of its strategy to combat climate change through specific measures related to: its initiative plastic reset, the program carbon emissions, The waste management, The effective construction and the sustainable logistics.

plastic reset

by degrading Plastic is a major source of greenhouse gases. To meet its reduction goals, by 2025, the supermarket chain in Spain will reduce the use of plastic by 20% and will provide 100% recyclable packaging of its own brand products, as well as ensure that it contains 25% recycled plastic.

“Having pioneered the disposal of plastic bags, we are currently immersed in improving our packaging, trying to find alternative materials, reducing plastic, making it easier to recycle or betting on recycled materials, ensuring that product quality remains the same. Our customers today can Verification with the Green Packaging seal that we have already changed the packaging of nearly 300 of our private label products.‘, he explains Michaela Richell.

Only with The use of compostable bags to replace plastic bags has avoided the emission of more than 750 tons of carbon dioxide.2And This is equivalent to the electricity consumption of more than 130 homes in one year*. Not surprisingly, the company has also been a leader in providing more sustainable solutions to its customers, such as the limitless reusable mesh bags for fruits and vegetables, with the specific goal of reducing plastic and promoting reuse.

carbon emissions

To achieve the goal of being carbon neutral, Lidl calculates the greenhouse gas emissions that are directly generated during its activity. Its goal is that until the end of 2022 it can offset all the greenhouse gases the company itself generates in certified projects that protect the climate.

currently Its full range of products vegetables Vemondo (+190 reference) is carbon neutral, Which means that all greenhouse gas emissions that are generated across the supply chain of these products during manufacturing, packaging or transportation, are offset by three projects approved by Climate partner. Specifically, they are: Promoting renewable energy in India, making water potable in Eritrea and contributing to reforestation in Uganda (more information at

waste management

The 100% of the waste managed by Lidl is recycled in its logistic platforms on the peninsulaWhile 85% of the waste managed in its warehouses is returned to warehouses via reverse logistics. During the last year alone, Lidl managed to recycle more than 100,000 tons of waste, preventing the emission of more than 48,200 tons of greenhouse gases, contributing to the achievement of global goals.

currently Lidl is the only distributor in Spain with Zero Waste (AENOR) certification. in all of its logistics platforms on the peninsula. Another of Lidl’s projects to reduce greenhouse gases is its goal of reducing food waste by 30% by 2025 and by 50% by 2030 through various initiatives aiming on the one hand to find a solution before having to withdraw an item from sale, and on the other, to find an outlet for products suitable for consumption. In this sense, the company became the first company to certify its Food Waste Reduction Management System (SG-MDA) in all its stores and logistics centers in Spain through Bureau Veritas.

effective construction

To reduce carbon emissions in your workplace, Lidl has more than tripled its production of photovoltaic cells Between 2017 and 2020. During this period, the chain has invested more than 13 million euros in the installation of more than 100 photovoltaic plants, covering a total area of ​​106,101 square meters to date with the company committed to doubling their number by 2022. As of today, the energy generated is equivalent to the average ​​Consumption of more than 4,200 homes.

Of the total production of photovoltaic cells generated in Spain in 2020, Lidl is responsible for 0.13% of it, Thus achieving the European objective imposed on Spain with regard to renewable production *.
The use of self-depreciation facilities, along with other measures, has allowed Lidl to obtain two of the most prestigious sustainable building certifications in the world, such as BREEAM and Green Seals, which are very rare in the distribution sector.

sustainable logistics

Use of trucks powered by natural gasr Enable Lidl to save 3.4 tons of CO22 For every 100 kilometers traveled, between 2018 and 2020. The chain currently has a fleet of 100 vehicles of this type and plans to increase it by 15% before 2023.

The Use of trucks powered by natural gas Along with other procedures, Like direct supply from supplier to store without going through logistics pallets or using huge trucks To make better use of travel, Lidl has reduced its logistics carbon footprint by 30% in the past four years.

Thanks to this achievement, Lidl was the first company in the distribution sector to acquire the second Lean & Green Star, An international initiative aimed at encouraging companies to reduce their emissions of greenhouse gases derived from logistics activities to achieve carbon neutral targets set at the Paris Climate Summit.

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