The Chocolate Museum displays terracotta warriors and a Chinese wall

The Chocolate Museum displays terracotta warriors and a Chinese wall

he Chocolate Museumin ChinaMade some great stuff Artworks Which combines tradition, Gastronomy And cultureby making beautiful replicas of Clay warriors And the Chinese wallin addition to other curiosities, until it is widely admired by the public.

The Chocolate Museum displays replicas of Terracotta Warriors and a Chinese wall, among other curiosities
The Chocolate Museum displays replicas based on this food. Photo: Reuters

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Where is the Chinese Chocolate Museum located and what does it display?

he Chocolate Museumwhich was recently opened, is located in Xi'an Cityin Shaanxi Province (in China); There it began to stand out offering its visitors a combination of sweet, Gastronomyart and date.

Exquisite details made at the Chocolate Museum. Photo: Reuters

The latter has an area of ​​​​about 10 thousand square meters, and has been preparing for nearly 3 years to show the essence of 4 Breedswhen Xi'an It was the capital (we refer to the Zhou, Qin, Han and Tang dynasties)

Old things made of chocolate in China. Photo: Reuters

In this way, more than 100 are wonderful He plays to art in chocolatewhich uses approximately 100 tons of the aforementioned food, highlighting the replicas Clay warriors And the Chinese wall.

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  • Clay warriorsIn the photos shared by Reuters, you can see these characters wearing their classic clothes, as well as in some positions (ranging from standing or resting one knee on the ground).
  • Chinese wall: Meanwhile, you can see the Chocolate City Wall, made up of pieces of raw chocolate with a total weight of 16 tons, making it the first large-scale Chocolate City Wall in the country.
The Chinese Chocolate Wall was created in China. Photo: Reuters

Other notable ingredients are the chocolate model Xi'an Bell Towerand the Model 108 Fang (known today as Blocks) which uses spray painting techniques to capture the texture of sand, recreating the splendor of Chang'an, or the “City of Eternal Peace.”

The audience can enjoy different pieces of art. Photo: Reuters

How do you keep chocolate shapes in good condition?

To keep good climate For visitors and workers Chocolate Museum Ensures strict control Temperature And moisture To prevent exhibits from melting.

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