The resignation of the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Press at the White House

The resignation of the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Press at the White House

Washington- TJ Ducklo, Under Secretary of Press at the White House, resigned on Saturday after it was revealed that he had used abusive and sexual language against a reporter who was writing an article about his romantic relationship with a journalist from another outlet.

Gene Psaki, the White House press secretary, announced the resignation in a statement released Saturday afternoon, a day after he commented that Ducklo would be suspended for a week without the right to receive his salary.

“We accepted TG Daclo’s resignation after talking to him this afternoon,” Psaki said, noting that Ron Klein, the White House chief of staff, agreed with his decision.

“We are committed to improving every day to meet the standards set by the president to treat others with dignity, respect, kindness and appreciation of others through our words and actions.”

Daclow, 32, was the national press secretary during Biden’s presidential campaign, and his swift departure indicates that Biden has been careful to avoid controversy in his communications office from the early days of his administration.

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