They call for tackling the economic challenges of Nuevo León – El Financiero

They call for tackling the economic challenges of Nuevo León – El Financiero

Addressing the challenges of the economy and its association with other problems to make Nuevo León an innovative country generating good jobs for the well-being of the people were some of the conclusions of those who participated in the Nuevo León Forum of Tomorrow on economic development.

In a statement, they stated that, with a summons from the Council of Nuevo León, Eduardo Sogo Garza Aldabi, Director of the National Public Policy Laboratory at CIDE, and Roberto Roselde Montellano, Minister of Economy and Labor of Nuevo León, referred to aspects of attending how to promote the regional development of the country, and take advantage of the geographical location Close to the United States and generate more technological capabilities to achieve the 2030 goals and objectives.

They agreed that by 2030, public policies must continue to strengthen the factors related to the economic development of Nuevo León, in a way in which extreme poverty is eradicated, there is social mobility in the state and the conditions of all residents are improved.

Sojo Garza Aldape recommended leveraging the four types of economics – participatory, cooperative, intelligent, and circular – in the face of the Fourth Industrial Revolution or 4.0, as well as creating a results unit within government to continuously monitor outcomes. Rosilde Montellano chose the continuity of the business model implemented with the Economic Development Committee of the Council of Nuevo León to deal with the various growth factors in 10 sub-committees.

In these subcommittees, one in 10 participants belongs to the state government, while the remaining members form part of the private sector, universities, unions, business rooms, groups and specialized organizations.

“To the extent that this work is collaborative, we will be able to enhance and improve the outcome that occurs individually, each one working alone; there is a whole process and a whole mechanism to enhance all this effort.”

He noted that by prioritizing the needs of the epidemic, the establishment of the Nuevo León Center for Economic Development as a place where all relevant actors meet to promote it is pending, but other joint efforts have been made.

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