They set bombs in the committees before the attack on the Capitol

They set bombs in the committees before the attack on the Capitol

Washington- Federal officials said on Friday that two homemade bombs, left in the offices of the Republican and Democratic National Committees, were discovered before thousands of Trump stormed the US Capitol and were planted the night before.

The FBI said the investigation revealed new information, including that IEDs were placed outside the two buildings between 7:30 pm and 8:30 pm on January 5, the night before the riots. Police did not find the devices until the next day.

It is not clear whether this meant that the homemade bombs were not associated with the attack on the next day or were part of planning the attack. Both buildings are located a few blocks from the Capitol Building.

For weeks, investigators have raised concerns about possible attacks on other targets in the country.

The police were called to the office of the Republican National Committee at around 12:45 p.m. on January 6. About 30 minutes later, another call about a second, similar device came at the nearby headquarters of the Democratic National Committee.

Both artifacts were the same and measured about 12 inches. Two officials familiar with the matter told the AP that they had end caps and appeared to be connected to a timer. Officials said investigators were still examining the devices and their components to identify the specific compounds inside the pipeline bombs, but that both appeared to contain unknown powder and some minerals.

The FBI released additional pictures of the IEDs on Friday, including one showing a device placed under a bush. Officials also raised the reward in the case to $ 100,000.

Stephen Dantoneau, deputy director in charge of the FBI in Washington, said earlier this week that locating the person who planted the explosives was a priority.

On Friday, the FBI reported that the person was wearing a backpack, a gray sweatshirt with a hat, a face mask and Nike Air Max Speed ​​tennis shoes in yellow, black and gray.

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