They will award 22,000 new H-2B visas

They will award 22,000 new H-2B visas

The United States announced on Tuesday 22,000 new visas for non-agricultural workers, Including 6,000 people from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, the countries that make it up Northern Triangle of Central AmericaWhich is supposed to extend the quota set by Congress each year.

This came in a statement issued by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS, in English), indicating that the visas will be created in accordance with an executive order from the US President, Joe Biden, regarding “establishing a comprehensive regional framework Addressing the causes of migrationManage immigration throughout North and Central America and provide safe and orderly processing to asylum seekers at the border of the United States. ”

In the memo, Minister of National Security, Alejandro Mayoras, said that this increase indicates the Department of Homeland Security’s commitment to “expanding legal channels” so that people from the Northern Triangle, the area that contributes the largest number of immigrants who arrive in the United States on an irregular basis, can have it. Opportunity in this country.

Mayuras noted that this program H-2B visas “Designed to help employers cover whatTemporary jobs“.

The visas will be “Available in the coming monthsThe information added, “Through Numa, it will be published in the Federal Register as it is called the official gazette of the federal government in the country.”

Under the revised version of the Immigration and Nationality Act, the US Congress has put an end to 66,000 visas per fiscal year, With a share 33,000 for workers hired in the first half of the year (October 1 to March 31) and the remaining 33,000 plus those not used in the first part of the year available for the second half (April 1 to September 30).

The Department of Homeland Security indicated that it was announced on February 12 that the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) had received enough petitions to meet the H-2B cap set for the second half of the fiscal year.

The H-2B Program “allows US employers or recruiting agents who meet certain specific regulatory requirements to bring in it Foreigners to the United States to fill jobs temporarily It has nothing to do with agriculture, “the USCIS explained in its report Web page.

According to the non-governmental organization Centro de los Derechos del Migrante, the Mexican workers They make up the majority of H-2B program participants, with around 74% of the workforce hired with these visas in 2019.

In the same year, 90% of the workers were male and only 10% were female.

What are H-2B visas?

This visa is for those foreigners who want to work Temporarily in gardening, construction, forestry and cleaning services activities From the hotel.

This program is designed for those working with or without experience, who do not require academic or professional degrees to work.

Keep in mind that the H-2B visa is only valid for the company indicated in the document. Avoid problems with the authorities, it is illegal to change companies without a permit. After the visa expires, H-2B workers have up to 10 days to return to Mexico.

How to Apply for the United States H-2B Visa?

The government registers the companies, but does not offer communication between the employer and the employee, so the worker will have to look for the link alone at job fairs or through verbal contacts.

If a company offers you to work in this sector, contact the consulate at Verify that the offer is legal. If so, then the employer must apply for a temporary work certificate to the US Department of Labor.

Once the certificate is received, the Form I-129 before USCIS. If approved, workers submit an H-2B visa petition to the U.S. Consulate.

Applications can be rejected if the company does not sufficiently justify the need for foreign workers. It is required to show that there are “not enough Americans qualified, qualified, or available for the job”.

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