Tonight on TV: Henry Cavill’s little-known movie to discover in another side – Movie News

Tonight on TV: Henry Cavill’s little-known movie to discover in another side – Movie News

The DC superhero becomes a detective searching for a serial killer.

We are used to seeing Henry Cavill in his tight suit, protected by his red cape. The British actor became known for his uncanny physique as Superman, but in his filmography he has many other characters. Today you can see in Quattro at 10:50 PM. killer game, a movie starring Cavill himself, alongside Alexandra Daddario and Ben Kingsley, offering a completely different side.

employment killer gameCavill plays a detective who must walk the path of a serial killer who will push the police force to the limit. It is not just a case. After the disappearance of a young woman who was responsible for exposing her abusers with the help of former judge Michael Cooper, they find Simon Stolz, a mentally unstable man who appears to be hiding much more.

The seemingly indomitable Cavill brings to life here a more earthy hero, drawn into a suspenseful story with surprising twists and turns. In addition to Cavill, the cast consists of Ben Kingsley, who plays the guard who catches abusers, and Alexandra Daddario, a psychiatrist working on the case to uncover the killer. David Raymond directed his first feature film.

killer gamenight hunter In its original title – it premiered on September 6, 2019 in the United States to somewhat mediocre reviews. However, many agreed to point out What stands out from the movie is the cast., despite the fact that the plot may err from trite and easy twists. The funny thing is that the movie’s note gets better if we talk about the general comments. They don’t think it’s a masterpiece, but give it a thumbs up and appreciate other aspects, like a good argument.

Although the man of Steel It is the movie that catapulted him to fame, Henry Cavill’s career includes a good handful of titles. In fact, he won in 2007 as Charles Brandon the Tudors, before becoming Clark Kent. Later, great productions such as his participation in the epic Mission: Impossible With He falls Or your agreement with Netflix that you worked with Enola Holmes And the magician, which will be showing its second season soon.

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