Treasury has published Annex 16-A of the 2021 Risk Measurement Framework

Treasury has published Annex 16-A of the 2021 Risk Measurement Framework

On February 4, the Ministry of Finance published Annex 16-A from RMF Resolution 2021.

It is a document of one thousand and five pages published in the Official Gazette of the Federation and consists of the following:

1. Integration instructions and features

2. Indicative formulas for presenting the opinion of the financial statements for tax purposes issued by a registered public accountant

  1. An indicative form for presenting the financial opinion of the financial statements applicable to credit institutions (banks) for the fiscal year 2020.
  2. An indicative form for presenting the financial opinion of the financial statements applicable to insurance and guarantee institutions for the fiscal year 2020.
  3. An indicative form for presenting the financial opinion of the financial statements applicable to brokerage firms for the fiscal year 2020.
  4. An indicative form for presenting the financial opinion for the financial statements applicable to holding companies for financial groups for the fiscal year 2020.
  5. An indicative form for presenting the financial opinion for the financial statements applicable to permanent establishments for residents abroad for the fiscal year 2020.
  6. An indicative form for presenting the financial opinion for the financial statements applicable to the merged and integrated companies for the fiscal year 2020.
  7. Indicative template for presenting the financial opinion for the financial statements, applicable to Banco de México, for the 2020 financial year.

3. The questionnaires for the review carried out by the General Accountant for the fiscal year 2020 using the Report Presentation System 2020 (SIPRED’2020) applied to the mentioned types of reports.

  • Tax Diagnostic Questionnaire (Public Accountant Review).
  • Transfer Pricing Questionnaire (General Accountant review).

You can see Appendix 16-A of the 2021 Results Request Form Here / Publication date: February 4, 2021.

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