Women’s Science Competition
Today, February 11th celebrates International Day of Women and Girls in Science, on the occasion of this, Ubesol of Atzeneta d’Albaida launched the “I Want To Be A Scientist” competition, a poster competition that seeks to awaken curiosity about science in young people. 271 students of the third, fourth, fifth and sixth grades from Verge dels Desemparats Schools in Atzeneta d’Albaida are participating in the initiative; CRA Riu d’Albaida from El Palomar, the Bellús, Benissuera and Guadasséquies; And the schools of Kovalta and Elias Tormo in Al Bayda The goal is to encourage girls to see science as a “great career opportunity,” as they point out from Ubesol. All contest participants will receive a thank you gift and the winning class will be able to visit Ubesol’s facilities and scientists when the pandemic permits.
The competition is part of the Women and Girls in Science Week 2021 that the company is organizing this week. To do so, Atzeneta d’Albaida joined the #NoMoreMatildas campaign, affiliated with the Association of Researchers and Technologies, to acquit famous scientists.
“Award-winning zombie scholar. Music practitioner. Food expert. Troublemaker.”