Two scientists have discovered the largest geoglyphs ever discovered in India

Two scientists have discovered the largest geoglyphs ever discovered in India


May 29, 2021 16:40 GMT

The presence of the massive graphics, identified thanks to a study by Google Earth, is confirmed thanks to a drone flying over the area.

Two French researchers have discovered in India’s Thar Desert, what could be the largest geoglyphic inscriptions ever designed by humans, according to an investigation published this week in Archaeological research in Asia.

Geoglyphs are gigantic representations and patterns, usually handcrafted, and consist of durable materials found in nature, such as stones, stone fragments, pebbles, or dirt.

Giant spiral and snake

Independent researchers Carlo and Johan Authemer discovered geographic inscriptions near the “golden city of Jaisalmer” using Google Earth during a virtual survey of the Thar desert area, and then used an unmanned aerial vehicle to confirm their presence. Scientists have found several interconnected geometric patterns throughout the desert, including two bas-reliefs: Giant spiral and snake.

The lines that make up these numbers are Digging grooves into the ground They are 10 cm deep and 20 to 50 cm wide.

The largest googlyph identified, the giant asymmetric helix, consists of a single annular line spanning 12 kilometers by 724 meters by 201 meters in width. The second geographic figure, in the form of a snake, consists of a line of 11 km long, while other small geoglyphs can also be found in the same area, which includes in total About 48 kilometers from the lines.

The study notes that “these geoglyphs, which are the largest ever in the world and for the first time in the Indian subcontinent, are so far unique in their mysterious signs.”

Researchers believe the work is huge At least 150 years old, Although it is not known who could make these drawings or what they represent. However, experts believe that due to the broad range of lines and the fact that the area is essentially flat, it may be the result of a still unknown cultural practice rather than a creative artistic impression. In particular, they estimated that the designs could have “religious, astronomical and / or cosmic meanings,” perhaps relating to Hindu memorials found in the area.

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