Uganda: Fear grows over Ebola outbreak; There are six children injured

Uganda: Fear grows over Ebola outbreak;  There are six children injured

Six children in the Ugandan capital tested positive for Ebolathe health minister reported on Wednesday, marking a sharp exacerbation of the outbreak announced just over a month ago.

Children, pupils from three different schools in KampalaThey are part of at least 15 people in the city who have contracted the virus. According to a statement from Health Secretary Jane Ruth Acing.

Children are members of a family You got infected by a man who traveled from an area with high Ebola ratesHe sought treatment in Kampala and died there, according to the statement.

“He is responsible for infecting the seven family members including neighbors and many others,” the statement said, referring to the patient who traveled injured. “We were able to find this group and another because of the ministry’s follow-up in tracing contacts and dealing with field cases,” he added.

the authorities “They are following up” about 170 contacts from the schools attended by the six children, he addeds, indicates dependency.

Fears of Ebola spreading outside the epicenter of the outbreak The authorities prompted the imposition of the closure Which includes curfews in two of the five regions that reported cases of the disease on October 16. The measures were implemented after a man infected with Ebola traveled to Kampala and died in the capital, becoming the city’s first confirmed case of the disease.

Ebola, which appears as a viral hemorrhagic fever, It has infected 109 people and killed 30 since September 20when the outbreak was announced several days after the outbreak began in a rural community in central Uganda.



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