Ugandan president takes office after re-election

Ugandan president takes office after re-election

May 12, 2021, 9:52 amKAMPALA, May 12 (Princea Latina) The President of Uganda, Yoweri Museveni, was sworn in for a sixth consecutive term in office, with 11 African heads of state and 5,000 guests attending the ceremony.

He said Museveni had pledged to faithfully exercise his duties as governor and “I will uphold, protect and defend the Constitution, I will abide by the laws of Uganda and I will work to promote the welfare of the people.”

Yoweri Museveni, who has ruled Uganda since 1986, won a disputed election on January 14 with 58 percent of the vote, while his closest rival, musician Robert Kyogulani, better known as Bobby Wine, won 34 percent and contested these results, but Later he withdrew his claim.

The ceremony was attended by the heads of state of Burundi, Somalia, Zimbabwe, South Sudan, Namibia, Guinea, Ethiopia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ghana, Kenya and Tanzania, who have arrived since Tuesday at the capital’s Entebbe airport.

According to the press, the opposition announced that it would boycott the official ceremony, hence the security men surrounded the homes of politicians Kizza Besigye and Bobby Wayne after intelligence that some of their supporters planned to disrupt the event.

In this context, both the police and the army have strengthened their presence to ensure calm in and around Kampala.

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