Unfortunate discussion about changing the ruler in Banxico: Esquivel

Unfortunate discussion about changing the ruler in Banxico: Esquivel

Deputy Governor Gerardo Esquivel considered “unfortunate” and “unnecessary” the debate that arose around the change of governor of Banxico

Gerardo EsquivelDeputy Governor Bank of Mexico (Banxico) confirmed that the discussion day change wallets In the enterprise is born suspicion On the Economic and financial stability from the state.

At the press conference on IQuarterly Report January – March 2021, Esquivel Hernández considered the “unfortunate” and “unnecessary” debate about a change of governor in Banxico, which he currently occupies. Alejandro Diaz de Leon.

I consider it a pity that we are discussing the topic of changing the portfolio with such an expectation of the occurrence of this phenomenon, it adds unnecessary uncertainty to the economic and financial stability of the country, and I think that in this sense it seems to me personally. No need.”

On May 21, López Obrador surprised international markets by announcing that before the end of Díaz de Leon’s term as Governor of Banxico, he would send the name of his replacement to the Senate of the Republic and would not choose to be re-elected. .

Specialists warned of risks to the Mexican peso, which fell 0.3 percent on the same day to 19.96 units per dollar after news that the president was looking for an “economist with a social dimension, very pro-ethical economics.”

The president indicated that he would announce to the Senate in due course his proposal for the governorship, but emphasized that the chosen one would be “an economist with experience in managing the economy of finance, serious and responsible people, who will know the leadership of the Bank of Mexico.”

The head of the federal executive authority said that the upcoming appointment of the new governor will not cause instability in the markets.

Alejandro Diaz de Leon Has been appointed Governor Governor subordinate Bank of Mexico Written by President Enrique Peña Nieto on December 1, 2017, and his term will end on December 31, 2021.

It was named Diaz de Leon Carrillo central banker year of publication central banking, who was known for his exceptional leadership skills during the year 2020, which was distinguished by covid-19 pandemic.

With information from López-Dóriga Digital

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