Venezuelan gold appears in Uganda | international

Venezuelan gold appears in Uganda |  international

The Venezuelan gold, through which Nicolas Maduro’s government intends to obtain some cash to ease the latest international sanctions, arrived in Uganda illegally last week, according to police in the African country.

The news broke after The Ugandan government will announce an investigation to find out how 7.4 tons of gold entered the country. Inquiries focus on the recent imports that have arrived The largest gold refinery in the country, With a value of $ 300 million.

The AGR refinery acknowledged that the gold came from South America but gave no details and rejected the smuggling charges. All required documents have been provided [a la policía] The company told Reuters that AGR transactions are legal and documentation is 1000% legitimate. ”However, Ugandan Police spokesman Fred Inanga said that intelligence reports indicated that AGR received a shipment of 3.8 tons on March 2, and another 3.6 tons two days later. “None of the shipments passed through the official customs entry points,” the spokesman said.

Three days after the arrival of these shipments, the police entered the AGR offices and found a plot of land weighing 3.6 tons, but the first shipment disappeared. “We are very interested in telling us where 3.8 tons of gold are,” Inanga said. It was also published by the state newspaper A new vision The gold came from Venezuela, citing the commander of a Ugandan security unit overseeing the mining sector.

The deputy of the Venezuelan National Assembly, Angel Alvarado, had denounced with little success that on February 27, eight tons of gold had left the vaults of the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV). The parliamentarian said, “They intend to smuggle it out of the country.”

On Friday, Alvarado indicated that the shipment had appeared in Uganda. But he said it had an incomplete arrival in the African country, losing 0.6 tons. According to the deputy, the shipment is being held because it is considered contraband. Referring to the legitimacy of Juan Guaidó as president, who has not yet been able to exercise power, he said: “We remind Uganda that this gold was illegally taken from Venezuela and that BCV is being usurped.”

In recent days, former PDVSA director Pedro Mario Borelli denounced that a Russian plane landed in Caracas after making a stopover in Tanzania and Uganda. Upon returning, he would have followed the same path. For several years, AGR, owned by Belgian magnate Alain Goetz, has been at the center of controversy with its few attempts to obtain gold from the contending countries.

In recent weeks, Venezuela has tried by all possible means to achieve liquidity by selling the gold it stores in its warehouses, an old habit since the days of Hugo Chavez, who did not trust the dollar as an international currency. The last battle for the Bolivarian government is taking place in London, as it tries to recover more than 30 tons deposited in the Bank of England to meet the liquidity shortage resulting from international sanctions and the decline in oil production, which could arrive this year. 800 thousand barrels, a quarter of what it extracted 20 years ago. Despite the protests, the British government has so far refused to hand over the bullion that had piled up in its vaults. In addition to the African country, Turkey has become the place of choice for processing Venezuelan gold.

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