Von der Leyen announces the creation of Erasmus for unemployed youth | Economie

Von der Leyen announces the creation of Erasmus for unemployed youth |  Economie

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced on Wednesday the creation of a new youth program called ALMA; The work of Erasmus for those who do not have a job or study. The initiative aims to “provide temporary professional experience in another Member State”.

In her speech, the executive branch of the Commission attempted to highlight that “spirit” of solidarity for the continent. His tone was upbeat and he did his best to highlight the bloc’s great achievements in the pandemic. However, it has also addressed problems in the region, including youth unemployment. This issue was marked as a priority, because, according to the president, we must “ensure our failures” and “help those who infiltrate through the networks of the network.”

As of July 2021, 2854 million young people (under 25 years of age) in the EU were unemployed; Of this total, 2339 million are in the euro area, according to Eurostat. This is the youth unemployment rate of 16.2% in the European Union and 16.5% in the Eurozone. If compared to July 2020, a slight decrease is observed: 420,000 young people are less in the European Union and 360,000 in the eurozone.

During her speech, which lasted more than an hour and a half, the head of the community executive ruled that also young people with fewer opportunities “deserve an Erasmus-like experience to gain skills, create connections, and forge their European identity.” In this way, von der Leyen set his sights on the union of the continent and the new generations, to whom he entrusted the task of “creating the future of Europe”.

The ALMA project thus joins other measures the EU already has to combat unemployment among people under 30, such as the Youth Guarantee, which targets people who are not in a position to study or work. It includes an internship or apprenticeship period and ensures that every young person can receive an offer within four months of registration.

During her speech at the official residence of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, the German also called for an agreement on the revision of European tax rules by 2023. They were frozen for the first time in the spring of 2020 to allow public spending necessary to tackle the pandemic. The Commission will relaunch the debate on the future of society’s financial rules “in the coming weeks”, so von der Leyen invited MEPs to reflect on how the crisis will affect the economy, and gave an example of an increase in public debt.

Despite the economic downturn, the Chairperson of the Commission wanted to solve this problem in the best way, noting that 19 member states would restore the level of GDP they had before the outbreak of the health crisis, while the rest would do so. It will do so in 2022. He also noted that growth in the eurozone has outpaced growth in the United States and China in the last quarter.

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