Well-being and emotional health of children and adolescents after COVID19

Well-being and emotional health of children and adolescents after COVID19

Due to confinement by COVID-19 and restrictions related to the pandemic, the social interaction of children and adolescents decreased significantly after confinement. This has caused thousands of them to respond negatively in their behavior and reduce their relationship with others.

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So much so that, according to data from UNICEF, it was revealed More than a quarter of children and young people in Latin America and the Caribbean have experienced some form of anxiety and depression while incarcerated.

According to this survey, 25% of families with minors, at least one of whom had symptoms of severe anxiety, This indicates the importance of carrying out actions aimed at improving the mental health of children.

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As a result of this problem, organizations have come together to create a program with interactive resources Supporting the social and emotional needs of parents and carers, So that the latter can teach minors Deal better with tough times and live a healthier life at every stage of your life.

resources across generations

The materials are part of an initiative created in response to the uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, and are distributed in more than 100 countries and 41 languages.

Likewise, these interactive materials can be viewed on the website https://www.sesamestreet.org/videos

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