15 Ways To Use Infographics in Healthcare Marketing

15 Ways To Use Infographics in Healthcare Marketing

Infographics are fun and informative. They can grab your attention and give you a quick understanding of data. But what about using them in healthcare marketing? Can infographics be used to promote a hospital, medical organization, or health care provider? Yes! We all love infographics and here are fifteen ways they can be used in healthcare marketing.


  1. Showcase your hospital’s quality and patient satisfaction scores.

Attract attention quickly by showing off your high-quality care and low patient complaints on an infographic. Make sure to show the sources that you got your information from as well as the social media share buttons for doctors, nurses, and patients to share the infographic.

  1. Teach your health care audience something new.

Learn a fact or interesting piece of information about a specific topic and turn it into an infographic that will communicate this easily to your healthcare marketing audience. This can be a great way to attract new patients as well as increase doctors’ views on your website.

  1. Share what you do in a more interesting way.

Find a creative way to say something you already do by using an infographic. For example, a hospital might be running a campaign to encourage people to stay healthy and hydrated or an urgent care clinic might be sharing the five warning signs of heart attack with its audience. The possibilities are endless.

  1. Show your services and value proposition in a unique way.

Find a new way to attract people to your healthcare organization that is different from the rest of your website. Infographics can be used as an attention-grabbing tool for those looking for more information on what you do or how you can help them. Make full use of your messaging when you do this.

  1. Display your hospital’s history in an interesting way.

Write a brief story about how your hospital was started, its milestones, or its dedication to providing quality care at an affordable price. Attract attention by making these stand out with color and imagery in the infographic banner. Remember to keep it simple!

  1. Share something about your staff.

Find a unique way to say thank you or share information about the doctors, nurses, and other members of your team. It can highlight their achievements or explain what makes them so great at their jobs.

  1. Invite patients into your world through an infographic.

Give context behind some of your procedures by using infographics. For example, an infographic on “How we perform open-heart surgery” can help people understand what happens during this process and make them feel more comfortable about it.

  1. Share the latest in healthcare research.

Find a unique way to share recent health care research with your audience by using an infographic. Whether it is news on the newest medication or the latest breakthrough treatment, infographics can help your audience quickly and easily understand and share this information.

  1. Showcase your service area.

Find a unique way to display where your services are available and what each location has to offer by using an infographic. Make sure you include a map, a list of cities well as specific information about each location. You can also share important things like hours or payment information.

  1. Put health care law changes into perspective.

Find a way to display something like an upcoming health care law change by using infographics. This will help people understand the changes and find out how it affects them with ease. Infographics can also be distributed quickly on social media making it easy for potential patients to spread the information even further!

  1. Teach people how to get and stay healthy.

Need any ideas on how to communicate healthy habits easily? Infographics can be a great way to display information on what you do and why it’s so important. Take the stress out of trying to find or understand this information by using infographics instead!

  1. Show off your services.

Find a unique way to show off your services by using a simple infographic. You can use this space to explain what you do, who you help, and why it’s important. It’s a great way of showing the many ways in which your organization makes a difference!

  1. Show how dangerous bad habits are.

Find creative ways to say something like “smoking is bad for you” by using an infographic. You can show the dangers of the habit as well as share information like stats on how many people die each year because of it. Make sure to outline what someone can do instead that is more healthy and effective!

  1. Give information on your most popular services.

Use the best infographics to share the ins and outs of some of your most popular services like what you do, why it’s important, and how you can help. Include images that show before and afters, information about scheduling or payment options. Make sure to include all relevant contact info so people know where to go.

  1. Share what you’re thankful for.

Use cool infographics to show what you are thankful for and why it’s important! You can also use a map or a list to highlight where your organization is based as well as the different services offered. Make sure to include all information needed like what you do, where you do it, what the benefits are, and how people can get involved.

Bonus Tip: Use Venngage

Venngage is a free infographic maker that provides a wide range of various templates that users can edit and use in different industries. To give you a better idea, here are some infographic examples from Venngage.







We hope that we’ve given you some helpful tips on how to use infographics when marketing your healthcare organization. Infographics are a great way of capturing the attention of potential patients and providing them with the information they need in an easy-to-understand format.

The more creative you get, the better! Just remember that it’s important for any infographic to be simple enough so people can understand what is being communicated quickly and easily. Start your infographic journey and make unique visuals with Venngage today!


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