33 Tlaxcalan died in the United States during 2021

33 Tlaxcalan died in the United States during 2021

Tlaxcala. /

About 33 Tlaxcalans died of various causes in United State From January to now, the head of the Directorate of Concern for Immigrants, Gabriela Hernandez-Montel, has informed.

He even explained that in the past two months there have been 10 deaths, only three of which were due to health complications from covid-19. In term, Dam offered assistance to carry out the transportation procedures and bury them in their places of origin.

The state government is keeping its doors open to provide some kind of support to the families of immigrants, the official said, “These are citizens who cannot be left in distress and that is why we care about this sector of society.”

The state announces a significant increase in income in dollars

In another context and another goal of immigration activity, the sending of remittances from Mexicans working abroad continues to increase and Tlaxcala It was no exception, because during the third quarter of 2021 – July to September – citizens sent $90.5 million, the second-best historical performance for the entity, down from the $130.2 million recorded in the April-June 2015 period.

According to the report of the Bank of Mexico (Banxico), the amount of $ 90.5 million for the third quarter of this year represents an increase of 14.8 percent compared to the previous quarter.

And publications specializing in financial affairs indicate that the economic recovery after the epidemic in the United States, from which more than 90% of foreign currency comes to Mexico, is what prompted the sending of money to relatives living in different states. Republic.

With regard to municipalities, Abizaco in that period received $21.3 million, Tlaxcala $13.7 million, Zacatelco $9.9 million, Tlaxco 8.4 million, Chiautimpan 8.3 million, Nanakamelpa 5.5 million, Calpolalban 5.3 million, and Huamantla 4.6 million.


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