A woman takes her young daughter from the casket to carry her for the last time | News from Mexico

A woman takes her young daughter from the casket to carry her for the last time |  News from Mexico

United State. – Thanks to social networks, millions of people discover the news that makes them happy the rest of the day and other news that The stories are so heartbreaking affecting them even and over time.

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And the evidence is Taiyane TaishaAnd she’s a Mexican mom who moved more than one with her video He was seen pulling his young daughter out of the coffin To hold her in his arms for the last time.

“I miss you so much, sweetheart,” said the woman accompanying the video with the song Pídeme la Luna by Leon Dan.

He was unable to overcome a rare disease called dermatomyositis

In the recording, the girl is seen wearing a doll in her mother’s arms, Whoever catches her and looks at her miserable.

According to the versions published in various media, the girl was admitted to the hospital, but she could not overcome a rare disease called Dermatomyositis MDA5, a Idiopathic inflammatory myopathy With a variable clinical spectrum.

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According to the information of specialists, this is an autoimmune disease It mainly affects the skin and muscle tissue, While its annual incidence is from 4 to 6 cases per year per million inhabitants.

despite this Happened in February 2021This story spread again because of the great impression it made on the people who discovered it.

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