Belarus announces retaliatory measures against US sanctions | world | DW

Belarus announces retaliatory measures against US sanctions |  world |  DW

Belarus announced Thursday (06/03/2020) retaliatory measures against Washington, including reducing the number of American diplomatic staff in the country, after new sanctions against Minsk came into force.

“We cannot ignore this unfriendly measure,” the spokesperson for the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Anatoly Glaz, stated, exactly when the United States imposed economic sanctions on nine public companies in Belarus.

Retaliatory measures include “reducing the number of diplomatic, administrative and technical staff” at the US embassy in Minsk and “tightening visa issuance procedures” for Belarusians, according to a statement.

In addition, Belarus has withdrawn the work permit in the country from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

US sanctions against nine Belarusian public companies were reinstated in April after a violent crackdown on pro-democracy demonstrations in Belarus.

Gilles insisted that “these are illegal acts that are contrary to international law and seek to put pressure on a sovereign state.” He added that the measures would have an impact first of all on “ordinary Belarusian citizens.”

Last week, Washington announced that it was working with the European Union on additional sanctions against Belarus, after Minsk diverted a European plane and arrested a dissident journalist on board.

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