Closed US Championship

Mexico City ( – Every year, as in many countries, in the United States, a closed chess tournament is organized, which seeks to find out who is the best player in the country. In the neighboring country, many powerful players have immigrated from their home countries to settle in the “Land of Opportunity” and thus, live – at least in theory – better lives than they did in their home countries. Such is the case of Linear Dominguez and Lazaro Prozon, the best Cuban chess players of the past ten years. Of course there are other chess players born in the Land of Stars and Stripes.

Well, in the St. Louis Missouri club, sponsored by the millionaire, Mr. Sinquenfield, the United States is closed. Robson, Caruana (the second on the planet), Domínguez, Lenderman, So (origin from the Philippines), Sevian, Bruzón, Burke participate. Shankland, Swirkz, Narodyssey, and Cheung. There are twelve top champions who have been fighting for four rounds to be the American champion. In this case and until the fourth date, Robson gets 3 points. He won two matches, Naroditsky and Xiong, with a draw with Sivian and Shenklan. He is followed, with 2.5 points, by Fabiano Caruana, second in the world, who beat Burke and drew against Dominguez, Sue and Prozon. However, with 2.5 there are also Domínguez, Lenderman, So and Sevian. It is clear that the championship is at a very high level and even the second player in the world is not easy.

It is worth noting the performance of Xiong, a young man of great ability, with a great performance – as in the last World Cup – who drew in a match and lost 3. He is clearly in bad shape and the chess players know that these things happen and that the best thing to do is try to reduce Harm. Out of all the players mentioned, they are all likely to be chess pros and therefore they work hard in the game every day. Thus, sometimes, before significant progress is made, some players (most of them) pass through these pits. Whoever writes this note is convinced that Xiong is going through this process and when he gets out of it he will be stronger and play better, but there is nothing else to give him time for time.

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