Conflicting meeting between the United States and China – Prinsa Lieber

Conflicting meeting between the United States and China – Prinsa Lieber

The first high-level meeting between the two world powers, the United States and China, was held in Anchorage, Alaska, from March 18-20, during the Biden era, which highlighted the deep differences between the two countries, at a time when their relations were at an all-time low. .

La reunión, presidida por Antony Blinken, secretario de Estado de Estados Unidos, y Yang Jiechi, funcionario del más alto nivel del politburó chino, puso en evidencia la más profunda polarización y evidentes desacuerdos cados que, van derechos hasturos c. Climate change.

The diplomatic row confirms that the relationship between the two powers will be more hostile in the future. The Chinese accused the United States of being inhospitable, and there was a barrage of accusations from Yang Jiechi of the Americans, with an angry response from the American entourage. The Chinese delegation accused the United States of interfering in its internal affairs, and Blinken responded on his part that China’s actions threaten the global world order and that “the application of the law of the fittest will lead us to a more turbulent and violent world.”

The United States is concerned about Chinese actions in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Tibet, and about human rights violations against Muslim minorities in the northwestern Xinjiang Province, issues that Beijing considers internal.
Meanwhile, Yang’s comments confirm Beijing’s consolidation and conviction that “the East is on the rise and the West is in decline,” a clear reference to the high levels of China’s economic development and its already large military strength.

Another Chinese attack was targeting the United States as a champion of cyberattacks and using its military power and financial dominance to expand its jurisdiction, oppress other countries and overthrow regimes, a clear reference to the actions of the United States during the Cold War, including military intervention in Guatemala, Panama, Grenada and the Dominican Republic.

At the end of the meeting, which began in a biting exchange, Blinken announced that the United States expected a tough and direct exchange on a range of issues, and that was exactly what it took. We raised these issues in a very straightforward manner and got a defensive response. “But we also had a very frank conversation,” Blinken said. On his return to Washington, the Secretary of State received warm congratulations from President Biden.

What can be seen at first glance as an American provocation on the world stage is nothing more than a correction of what was former President Trump’s volatile foreign policy, whether with regard to China or with regard to Russia.

In the first case, Trump imposed strict measures on the Chinese in trade and accused them of stealing advanced technology from the United States for their economic and military development. In the Russian case, Hillary Clinton, the Obama administration’s secretary of state, where Blinken was the under secretary, indicated that Putin was a murderer. For this reason, Putin came to hate Hillary and ran into the US presidential election when she was a candidate. Nevertheless, Trump became close friends with Putin, whom many consider a tyrant.

In short, this first high-level meeting can be viewed as what can be expected as a future engagement of forces in the global balance, as China is expected to be a global superpower.

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