Delegate, practice must be mastered – El Sol de Hidalgo

Delegate, practice must be mastered – El Sol de Hidalgo

Banale leader Sergio Hernandez said he supported the abolition of the presidential term, a democratic practice that must be mastered if it becomes a reality and extended to states and municipalities.

While one of the NGOs is in the period of collecting the 2.8 million signatures required under the legal framework in this regard, the head of the local party expressed his position on what the question would be, if the whole process was completed, on 27 March and reply. to the reporter.

For the good of the country (AMLO) it must continue: for economic, political and social stability. Otherwise, the impact could be dangerous for Mexico.”

With regard to democratic practice, he commented that, being the first, several aspects emerge, though they still need to be defined, “It will benefit the country and it will have to improve over time. I think it is good to extend to the state and municipal level.”

He considered that with de-authorization the cycle can be corrected when a person does not respond to expectations and promises, and the same happens at the business level which is the best example.

He stressed that “a lot of resources are wasted in the presence of bad rulers.”

Regarding the cost of counselling, he estimated that if more people participated, expenditures could be reduced, as happens in elections, where polling station officials do so voluntarily.

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