Delgado, Polivinsky, Gebiran Ramirez and PAN senator test results positive for COVID

Delgado, Polivinsky, Gebiran Ramirez and PAN senator test results positive for COVID

Representative Mario Delgado, Secretary-General of CEN for Morena Yedkul Polívensky and Senator Maria Guadalupe Saldania Cisneros announced on Wednesday that they had tested positive for COVID-19. And the analyst and former candidate for the leadership of Morena, Gebiran Ramirez, according to Elisa Alanis, from Millennium TV.

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We followed all night long after our economic income package was approved. “We will continue to work and prepare for what is to come,” Delgado wrote on his Twitter account.

“I was just told that the test result is positive # COVID19They carry out all necessary studies. Later I will teach you how to do, ”Polevnsky wrote.

“I want to report that I just received the result of my COVID test yesterday morning and it was positive.” Senator Saldana Cisneros said, “I am fine and isolated by following the relevant medical recommendations.”

The day before, Chihuahua’s Federal Representative, Mario Mata, reported that he had contracted the Coronavirus.

A week ago, lawmaker Jorge Luis Montes Nevis also indicated that he had tested positive for COVID-19, who is recovering at his home in Querétaro state.

Ask Yeidckol to join your project

Faced with the end of the lifting of the third ballot to elect the national president of Morena, Mario Delgado invited the former party leader and former candidate to return to the national leadership, Yeidckol Polevnsky, to join his project.

In a message posted on his social networks, the MP expressed appreciation to Polivinsky that his participation in the movement “has left its mark. It has made Morena a winning party, an inclusive and pluralistic movement.”

He says, “I am sure that your experience as a leader, and your national leadership, but above all your commitment to transform the country, cannot be excluded from the party.”

For this reason, he called on her to “walk together, buddy,” toward the 2021 elections.

Read more: Women take over Morena’s headquarters, accusing Muñoz Lido of harassment; Delgado asks the National Institute of Statistics to speed up the survey

On October 16, Morena’s former leadership candidate, Gebiran Ramirez, joined the nomination of Mario Delgado, who will be running for the leadership of the party against Porfirio Muñoz Lido.

Ramirez Reyes mentioned this on social networks, where he stated that the process of electing the party leadership “was poorly managed, which exacerbated the spirit of rivalry and led to sharp differences that led us to give priority to circumstance in the two main points.”

“A charter from below, which has promoted the candidacy of Gebiran Ramirez Reyes, declares its support for the candidacy of Mario Delgado. Aside from ideological differences and political criticism, we are united by agreement on the needs of the party.”

The third election to elect the national president of Morena took place on October 16 and ends on Thursday, 22nd.

Results will be announced next Saturday, October 24.

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