Diego Arboleda: Video: Historic! Colombia makes 1, 2, 3 and 4 in the MotoGP World Cup | Sports

Diego Arboleda: Video: Historic!  Colombia makes 1, 2, 3 and 4 in the MotoGP World Cup |  Sports

The Seventh fit for the BMX World Cup. The setting was Sakarya, Turkey and Colombians They had a great share. Sunday Eight is valid.

In the male branch Diego Camargo He took first place, followed by Vincent Bellward (nationalized), Carlos Ramirez And the fourth was Matteo Carmona. An unprecedented event for Colombia in the World Cup which showed all the strength of the delegation.

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On the other hand, Mariana Pagon third place behind Laura Smulders (Netherlands) and Felicia stencil (United State). It has shown antiokinia optimistic Before the competition and happy to represent the country again.

Remember that Mariana Pagon and Carlos Ramirez He tops the rankings of the year in the World Cup and we hope to be Best of the year. There are many good deeds that have been traveled in the year and others that add up The more points the title gets. Pagon leads Laura Smulders by 25 points and Ramirez is 35 points ahead of Simon Marquardt.

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