Ebrard says that reforming the electricity sector is not the subject of the relationship with the United States

Ebrard says that reforming the electricity sector is not the subject of the relationship with the United States

Mexico City (Abro). At a press conference on October 11, Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard Casaubon emphasized that the T-MEC provides a “legal pathway” to differences between governments and companies in the region, which is why – he said – it is “not justified” that Energy reform promoted by Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador’s government becomes an “issue in bilateral relations”. “That is not why it is not,” he stressed.

Contrary to the chancellor’s opinion, Washington has its sights set on this priority constitutional reform in the second half of Lopez Obrador: On Wednesday, a group of 40 Republican members of Congress demanded that Joe Biden’s Democratic government express a “clear response” to his Mexican counterpart for The “protectionist measures” implemented in recent months in the energy sector, which would constitute “discriminatory measures” against US companies.

On the same day, Ken Salazar, the Biden administration’s ambassador to Mexico, announced that he had expressed to Mexican government officials “Washington’s serious concerns” regarding energy reform, departing from the very cautious language used by Mexico’s governments. Lopez Obrador and Biden since the Democrat became president of the United States.

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