Emmanuel Macron’s wife will file complaints against those claiming to be transgender

Emmanuel Macron’s wife will file complaints against those claiming to be transgender


December 21, 2021 04:57 GMT

The rumors became popular in early November after an article published in a magazine opposed to the French president was posted tens of thousands of times on social networks.

In the face of false news claiming that Brigitte Macron, the wife of French President Emmanuel Macron, is a “transgender” woman, the first lady of the European country has decided to start the “legal proceedings”, according to her lawyer, Mi Jean. Inochi.

Considered by many netizens to be misogynistic and transgender, the rumors that circulated at the beginning of November pretended that Brigitte Macron had given birth to a man and that he was previously called Jean-Michel Trogno, according to reports. launch.

In this regard, the Twitter account called Journal de la macronie, unlike the French president, launched the social networking tag “JeanMichelTrogneux”. Thus, in the past week, the hashtag saw a peak in popularity and was on top of social media trends in the European country with tens of thousands of mentions, according to the local newspaper.

The transphobic rumors arose from the September publications of the far-right magazine Faits et Documents, in which some authors frequently publish articles on conspiracy theories, stories of anti-vaccine groups and anti-Semitic articles, among other topics.

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