Experts warn that low vaccination rates in Africa could have dire consequences

Experts warn that low vaccination rates in Africa could have dire consequences

A large survey showed that confidence in the EU’s ability to deal with the crisis has been affected by Covid-19, but the level of dissatisfaction with the country’s political system is even higher. Most people continue to support EU membership and hope to build a stronger country and a more cooperative group.

The report’s authors suggested that this poll should be a wake-up call for Brussels and cautioned that while public support for broader European projects in many countries remains high, it is fragile and you will not be easily disappointed.

They stated that Europeans “recognize the need for cooperation and solidarity at the European level, their confidence in the objectives of the European Union”, and are unhappy that the European Union “has lost the opportunity to prove its worth”.

Polls also indicate brixi It has changed the European view of the United Kingdom. It is now seen as a “strategic partner” rather than an ally like the United States. A quarter of Germans and a fifth of French and Spanish respondents consider it a “strategic partner” rather than an ally, competitor or adversary.

The report has been published by the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) On Wednesday, he hinted that the EU’s early response to the pandemic was weak, The initial release of the vaccine was slow Confidence in his abilities dealt a severe blow.

In half of the countries surveyed, the majority of respondents had little or no confidence in the EU or said their confidence had deteriorated. Most of them in France (62%), Italy (57%), Germany (55%), Spain (52%) and Austria (51%) rated EU projects as ‘devastating’.

However, the level of disillusionment with national politics is even higher, with 80% of respondents in Italy and Spain, 66% in France, 60% in Portugal, 55% in Poland and 54% in Hungary saying. “It collapsed.”

Además, en todos los países excepto en un país, la mayoría de los encuestados todavía cree que unirse a la UE es “algo bueno” para su país (excepto en Francia, donde el or número de encuestados dijo la que unir Good”). Something”. good and not bad”).

According to the survey, it is generally believed that 27 member states should strengthen cooperation. With the exception of France and Germany (47% and 45% of minorities, respectively), the majority of the 12 countries surveyed indicated that the coronavirus pandemic indicates a need for more cooperation.

Despite their frustration, participants in 8 out of 12 countries still see the European Union as the key to their country’s recovery from the coronavirus crisis.

In each country surveyed, the majority of respondents (91% led by Portugal, 80% by Spain, 77% by Italy, 68% by Poland) said they would like the EU to take a more unified approach to future global crises, response measures and challenges.

Most people also stated that they would like the EU to play a safer role on the world stage, such as upholding human rights and the rule of law when countries like Turkey and China are violated, prioritizing democratic values. and rules. Laws within the group.

The report’s authors and ECFR senior policy researchers Susie Denison and Jana Puglierin said the public still had broad consensus on strengthening European cooperation and cooperation on key international challenges, but that consensus was fragile.

“The two largest and most influential countries in the European Union, France and Germany, are less convinced of the need for European cooperation, highlighting the urgent need for the European Union to strengthen competition,” the author wrote.

Both countries will hold important national elections next year, which could pose a challenge to EU leaders. Survey data shows that the EU has exhausted its second chance.”

They stressed that EU leaders have the opportunity to “resume a tolerant consensus on European projects” at the G7, NATO, EU and US summits this summer, but that they should avoid “excessive or excessive institutional commitments”.

Instead, they stated that they should focus on “playing a role so that they can really strengthen the efforts of governments and the European public wants them to participate”, such as human rights, the rule of law and democratic values.

They say recovery after a pandemic is crucial. “The European Commission cannot make the same mistakes when planning the EU’s economic recovery,” Denison said. “By introducing green and inclusive growth, the recovery fund can become the next EU success story.”

Puglierin added that the data shows that Europeans want to “prioritize the critical leadership of multilateralism and defend and defend their values ​​and interests on the world stage. It is better for senior EU officials to listen to their views and act accordingly. You may not have more. “Coincidence”.

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