Five Reasons to Get a Paternity Test Done

Five Reasons to Get a Paternity Test Done

There are many reasons why a man should take a DNA paternity test. Every man may have his own motivations that are distinct from those of others. If you ever feel compelled to take a paternity test, make sure you go to a reputed company to ensure accurate results.

Some reasons why a man may need to take a paternity test include establishing an heir, tracing medical histories, or for legal reasons including custody battles. Here are the top five reasons to get a paternity test done.

Establishing an Heir

Although most people assume that naming a child as the beneficiary is a given, legal proof of paternity or a biological tie is sometimes required to ensure that your child obtains the maximum benefits possible. Establishing paternity will make your child the legal beneficiary of your estate.

Your child will need proof of paternity to become a legal beneficiary of your inheritance, life insurance, and even government assistance. This will eliminate any unnecessary tension caused by proving or disproving the claims of an unknown heir. When a couple is unmarried, several states require a paternity test before a father can be recorded as such on a child’s birth certificate.

Thankfully, if you use the services of a trustworthy company, getting a legal DNA paternity test is easier than it seems. Look no further than, which is packed with ratings and reviews to help you to find the best at home paternity test. The company you choose should provide a cost-effective, rapid, and painless approach to determine a child’s paternity. Most tests entail a routine cheek swab that you mail in, with the findings arriving in a matter of days.

Personal Relationship, Identity and Heritage

Having children is a very personal experience and knowing whether or not a man is a father can have life-changing effects for him and the child. It can mean the difference between having a lifetime relationship with a child and having no contact at all. Knowing the baby’s father can have a significant impact on the mother’s life too, altering relationships, marriage, money, and basic well-being. Confusion, stress, and disagreement might result from not knowing the father’s identity.

If you are unable to raise your child, verifying your paternity would be of value to your offspring. Everyone wants to know who they are and where they came from, which explains the attraction of DNA ancestry testing. Even if they are adopted by a caring family, a child will almost always feel the need to find their birth family.

If your child is ever removed from you for any reason, they will know where to go for their biological family if you have proven yourself as their father. Your child will always know who they are at their core, even if you are not around.

Medical History

An accurate medical history for a child is very important. While lifestyle and circumstance are two critical variables in determining an individual’s health, heredity is equally significant in determining their medical history. A DNA paternity test can help determine whether a child has inherited markers that put them at risk for certain diseases, and it can also assist determine what health issues are present in the family. Autoimmune disorders, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and mental ailments are among some of the health conditions that can be traced to hereditary inheritance.

Legalities: Custody and Child Support

You may be required to establish legal parenthood that can influence child custody decisions, legal support duties in divorce cases, and custody and visiting rights.

The court may ask a father who seeks to obtain custody rights for his child to prove paternity through DNA testing. When a mother suspects he is not the father of her child and does not want to share custody, the court may order a DNA paternity test. DNA paternity testing will reveal whether the man is the child’s biological father.

A mother may wish to ensure that her child’s biological father pays child support. A man may voluntarily submit to paternity testing or may be ordered to do so by a court of law. Decisions for child support may be made solely based on clear outcomes.



A child born outside the United States to an American father and a foreign national mother is normally eligible for American citizenship. The father can apply for citizenship through a consulate or embassy in another country. If there is insufficient evidence of parentage, a DNA test may be required to demonstrate the parent-child blood relationship. Samples can be gathered in US embassies or consulates abroad, as well as other legally permitted collection places, and securely transferred to DNA testing facilities in the US.

In the past, paternity was established mostly by personal testimony, circumstantial evidence, and blood type tests. There are numerous flaws in these approaches. Fortunately, paternity may now be established with unprecedented accuracy and reliability thanks to DNA testing.

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