Global Justice Project – AGP Deportes

Global Justice Project – AGP Deportes

In the list of 139 countries, Mexico Among the top ten countries, among the worst ranked countries in terms of absence corruption, order and Safety, as well as in civil justiceAccording to the organization Global Justice Project.

inside Global Rule of Law Index 2021, presented this Thursday by the Global Justice Project, Mexico It ranks 113 out of 139 due to low scores in other areas such as Criminal justice (ranked 128), Required audit (ranked 105) and Fundamental rights (Located at place 91). In the 2020 index, the country ranked 104th overall.

Mexico got its worst rank in a category called “absence corruption” In government, it ranked 135th out of 139, that is, it hardly exceeds UgandaAnd CameroonAnd Cambodia And Democratic Republic of the Congo. Even Venezuela (129) and Haiti (130) are above the country on this list.

To measure this parameter, the Global Justice Project considered three forms of corruption: briberyundue influence of public or private interests and embezzlement Public or other resources, all of which apply to the three powers of the state (executive, legislative and judicial), the army and the police.

Regarding the “civil justice” clause, Mexico Arranged in position 131 above NicaraguaAnd BoliviaAnd Venezuela and South Asian countries.

The body that made this arrangement assessed whether citizens could peacefully and effectively resolve their grievances through the civil justice system, whether this system was accessible and free from DiscriminationAnd corruption and undue influence by public officials.

WHO report Global Justice Project It also included the parameter “System and Safety”, which Mexico It is ranked 129 out of 139. In this area, the extent to which the company guarantees the safety of people and property is determined.

inside Latin americaAnd Mexico It is the third country with the worst result in this indicator, just behind it Haiti And Venezuela.

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