Guanajuato is the fifth national economy – prospectuses dependencies

Guanajuato is the fifth national economy – prospectuses dependencies
  • 4.7% of the country’s GDP is generated from the state of Guanajuato.
  • The Governor opens the third edition of the International Symposium on Private Security in Lyon.

Lyon, GTO, August 30, 2023– The state of Guanajuato shifted from Mexico’s sixth to fifth economy by 4.7% in 2021, confirmed by new national GDP figures, Governor Diego Cinho Rodríguez Vallejo said.

“This is great news! It is the result of the work of the people of Guanajuatín, which reflects that we are a dynamic, hardworking country and an engine of the national economy.

Congratulations to all the municipalities of Guanajuato!”, declared the Head of State in the framework of the third edition of the International Symposium on Private Security, in the city of Leon.

In this context, we will continue to work as a team to achieve further progress and development for the families of our state; And of course more and better security.”

The topic that will be covered during the two days of the symposium is the convergence between technological tools and security.

This symposium will include important presentations, with the participation of Israel, the United States and Colombia, countries that have achieved great progress in the field of security technologies.

Experts will talk about the different technologies related to security, learn about successful national and international experiences, as well as the challenges faced by the municipality of Lyon in order to expand the use of the mentioned technologies and achieve smart cities that support efficient security management. Security.

“I invite you to make the most of the knowledge that will be shared here, all about very topical issues. For example, about technological trends and their security risks; information technologies applied to security; and the importance of cybersecurity in the digital world,” said Diego Cinho Rodríguez Vallejo.

From August 30-31, governments and companies will have access to the latest technologies to improve prevention and control.

as well as the Directors of Public Security from the cities of Merida, Yucatan State; San Pedro Garza Garcia, Nuevo Leon; and keretaro.

During the first day of activities, Governor Diego Cinho gave a conference on Security Mindset.

Following their participation, Manuel Zamudio, Regional Vice President of Asís International for Region 7, gave the presentation on technology trends and their security risks.

The Committee was presented: The Importance of Private Security as an Ancillary Apparatus for Public Security, in which Santiago Tapwada Cortina, Mayor of Benito Juárez, Mexico City participated; Luis Bernardo Nava Guerrero, Mayor of Queretaro; Daniel Carrillo Martínez, Mayor of San Nicolás de los Garza, Nuevo León; and as mediator Mario Bravo Arona, Minister of Security, Prevention and Citizen Protection of Lyon.

Manuel de Jesús Villarreal Romero, C5i State System Manager in Guanajuato State, presented the conference Information Technology Applied to Public Safety; Patrick Welch, President of Oosto Americas, gave a presentation titled “How Oosto’s Real-Time Facial Recognition Makes Lyon Safer”.

Ashley Hiram Muñoz, a specialist from the Global Emergency Response Team, shared the topic of the importance of cybersecurity in the digital world.

The symposium was attended by the Mayor of León, Alejandra Gutiérrez Campos and Mario Bravo Arona, Head of the Security Secretariat of León, the agency in charge of organizing the event; In addition, the National Chamber of Commerce (CANACO) participates with 22 platforms where technological products will be presented to monitor companies, agencies and cities.

The governor endorses his support for the workers of Guanajuato

The state’s governor, Diego Cinho Rodríguez Vallejo, chaired the Federation Forum 2023: Women and Trade Union Democracy in Guanajuato, organized by the State Government Secretariat.

The President reaffirmed his support for Guanajuato workers to continue improving their working conditions, given their importance to the economic and social development of Guanajuato.

The governor said, “With your work, you make our state continue to advance. We are already the fifth largest economy in the country, and this is a result of your contribution to your areas of operation.”

Rodríguez Vallejo highlighted the business climate that exists in Guanajuato thanks to its good working relationship with various unions such as the Confederation of Authentic Workers -CAT-; “Together we advance for the workers of Guanajuato.”

The aim of this forum is to update various labor issues, as well as to acknowledge women’s contribution to the labor transition in our state.

About 600 people attended the event, most of them part of the Committee against Torture in the State of Guanajuato, which was chaired by María Juana Adriana Tovar Huerta.

The State Government Minister, J. Jesús Oviedo Herrera, to the women whose work contributed to the development of our being.

“We reiterate to all union leaders the commitment of the state government to continue to maintain the labor peace that we enjoy today and that has had many benefits for the families of Guanajuato,” he added.

The event was also attended by the Minister of Social and Human Development of Libya, Denis Muñoz García Ledo; the Secretary General of the Committee against Torture in Guanajuato, Jorge Faustino Espinosa Lopez; and the General Secretary of the Confederation of Indigenous Workers of Guanajuato, María Juana Adriana Tovar Herrera

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