Have you applied for a US visa? Embassy offers recruitment of 30 thousand users

Have you applied for a US visa?  Embassy offers recruitment of 30 thousand users

Melissa Gonzalez

[email protected] | Wednesday, December 29, 2021, 07:10 AM

If you applied for a visa to the United States and your due date is in 2023 and 2024, check your email since the embassy has provided dates for 2022 to about 30,000 users.

Read more: Attention! There will be changes to the US visa application process

If you have not received the email, you will receive the notification in the next few days, then you must log in to the page www.ustraveldocs.com To check the updated date and time of the appointment.

If you cannot keep your appointment, you must reschedule it for the next available date.

Interviews for these applicants will resume from January 10, 2022, and the Consular Section of the Embassy is still operating at a limited capacity due to the pandemic.

Applicants who have already scheduled interviews for 2022 will keep the same appointment date and will not be able to change their appointments to an earlier date.

Read more: The United States and Costa Rica will exchange information on visas

In addition, the Drop Box service will still be available to applicants who already have a tourist visa that has expired in the last 48 months.

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