Impeachment of Donald Trump: The US Senate Surprises and Approves Witnesses in the Trial of the Ex-President United States of America | NNDC United States | Globalism

Impeachment of Donald Trump: The US Senate Surprises and Approves Witnesses in the Trial of the Ex-President  United States of America |  NNDC United States |  Globalism

This Saturday, the US Senate agreed to call witnesses during the impeachment trial (“IsolationAgainst former President Donald Trump for the attack on the Capitol on January 6, an unexpected move that could prolong and change the course of this measure.

Of the 100 senators, 55 voted in favor of calling the witnesses, all Democrats and five were joined by Republicans: Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, Mitt Romney, Ben Sacy and Lindsay Graham, who initially opposed, but changed. the last moment.

Graham’s vote approaches Trump card, May seek to benefit from the defense of a former president who refused to summon witnesses.

Before the vote, the lawyer for the former president, Michael van der Vein, responded angrily to the Democrats’ request to call witnesses and asserted that if the Senate approved the proposal, it would need to “100 certificates, not just oneHe insisted that he would interrogate these people at his Philadelphia law firm.

This somewhat unusual suggestion from van der Vein was met with derision and laughter from senators, which clearly angered the attorney, who warned:There is nothing to laugh at here!“.

Today the Senate was expected to end with final arguments for both sides and a vote to either condemn or acquit Trump card; But this unexpected decision could significantly prolong the process.

The move in the Senate comes after CNN released new details of a phone conversation between Trump card s Kevin McCarthy, The Republican leader in the House of Representatives, who occurred during the attack on the Capitol Building on January 6.

According to these new details, when McCarthy He called the president to ask his followers to stop the assault, and he refused.

Well Kevin, I think these people are more angry at you about the election. “, I would answer Trump card a McCarthy.

In the final hours, Republican Congressman Jaime Herrera Beutler endorsed the content of the call between Trump card s McCarthy In the statement, he urged officials close to the former president to reveal all the details of what they know.

Butler was one of 10 Republican women in Congress who voted in the House of Representatives forIsolation“.

It remains unclear if the Senate decision means that Beutler will only be summoned to testify, as demanded today by Democratic Representative Jimmy Raskin, who is leading the indictment against Trump card; Or if, on the contrary, it implies that any witness can be called to testify.

At this time, the senators are still speaking on bloodshed to try to resolve the point.

In principle, both parties opted for a speedy trial without witnesses, as Democrats wanted to focus on President Joe Biden’s legislative agenda and Republicans wanted to turn the page on the attack as soon as possible.

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