In Mexico, you can save more money than in the United States, which is about to beat Switzerland

In Mexico, you can save more money than in the United States, which is about to beat Switzerland

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Mexico Once again, it surprises the countries of the region and the entire world. In a recent report by Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, abbreviation in English), has placed Mexico in a highly desirable position by countries such as Belgium, the United Kingdom and the United States, in terms of the level and capacity of household savings.

the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Studies and evaluation of rates and Savings statistics In homes in various countries around the world. This international organization seeks to improve the policies of member states to achieve “Mbetter life“For the citizens.

Ability to provide Mexicans. Source: Archive.

Mexico strengthens its position as a financial power with bonds worth US$7.5 billion

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Mexico leads Latin America as the country where families save the most

This is new evidence for the administration of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who will conclude his term in 2024 with numbers that generate both love and discord.

Based on the chart he provides OECD in 2021According to this source, Mexico ranks second in the world in terms of households with the most savings.

The Aztec nation has 16.7% of net household savings for 2022, and Switzerland beats it at 19.3%, maintaining a slight difference of only 2.6%.

Better savings levels in the region. Source: Archive.

Mexico was the surprise in the OECD reports

Mexico has lagged behind and far outpaced global economic superpowers such as its neighbor the United States, and rich and first-world nations such as Germany, Great Britain, Spain and Italy.

The United States recorded a net household savings rate of 12.4%, followed by Germany at 11.1%, South Korea at 10.8%, and Spain, Great Britain, and Italy, which had the highest rates at 2.9%, 2.0%, and 1.8%, respectively. .

Mexico replaces Latin American countries such as Chile and Colombia.

Colombia ranked sixth in the OECD with a rate of 10.5%, followed by Chile, which was able to place itself in the OECD rankings in seventh place with a rate of 7.4%.

Ability to provide Mexicans. Source: Statista.

What does this mean for Mexicans' pockets and economies?

According to the publication Data Macro, the Mexican economy gives the Aztec country, according to per capita GDP, a life expectancy index of 10,590 euros and places it in second place. Mexico is ranked 74th richest country in the world.

although Residents of MexicoOn average, they have a lower standard of living compared to other countries measured by the Human Development Index, yet the country claims to be one of the countries with the lowest percentage of unemployed in the world.

The ability to save on homes. Source: Archive.

In addition, Mexico has one of the lowest basic salaries in the world, the source says;

Aside from this data, Mexicans' tendency toward savingThe proof of this is that its rate of 16.7% is reflected in their daily economic decisions.

This habit can affect personal financial management, investments, and spending choices.

Although it is a little smaller than… Swiss rate 19% The Mexican approach to saving suggests a positive, forward-looking financial mindset, which highlights the importance of saving in the local economy and provides a context for understanding how financial culture impacts daily life in Mexico. Mexico.

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