Indigenous Women: Flag Heroes in Mexico

Indigenous Women: Flag Heroes in Mexico

to Guadalupe Peralta Santiago, researcher and consultant on issues of gender, Indigenous political participation, higher education and Indigenous students: “We have made progress in access to, continuity and completion of education at nearly all levels, as well as in the field of postgraduate studies. Of course it must be said that this is not uniform across the country, but it did happen. Our presence in education is greater at the initial levels and less at higher education and postgraduate studies; This means that a kind of “educational funnel” is being created.

It highlights that until recently indigenous people were excluded from the functioning of the education system, “both in educational coverage and in the structure that serves as decision-making and planning factors”. Guadalupe explains that this has changed in recent decades in Mexico Public policies for the attention of Indigenous studentsthrough scholarships, programs, and the advancement of indigenous women.

In describing the context of structural factors, he adds sociocultural aspects because, as he points out, “it starts there whether girls have access to education or not, where the idea was that giving girls an education was useless, because they would marry and the husband would support them; that is The reason most indigenous groups in Mexico, if they had the possibility to do so, would prefer to educate their children, was because they would be responsible for their families and would support their wives, daughters, and sons.”

to Guadeloupe Indigenous woman in science This means that he has overcome or gone through various difficulties. One of them is the distance and economic capacity of the families because “they are the ones who have to bear the expenses arising from the permanent movement in the city.” Text by Priscilla Flores and Pablo Maris.

Indigenous Women, Heroes in Science in Mexico Data Journalism – La Data Quinta

Community School and Popular Feminist Education: An Open Call – EDUCA ‘The Wealthiest Law’ Hurts Women and Girls Oxfam Report – EDUCA Illustration Giovanni Salazar

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