International violations of workers’ rights

International violations of workers’ rights

International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) For the past nine years, it has published the Global Rights Index, and ranks countries according to the degree to which workers’ rights are respected. Throughout the year, the ITUC updates data on violations of workers’ rights in different countries. Global Rights Index 2022 Ranked 148 countries Based on the degree to which workers’ rights are respected, it compiles cases of abused rights and national classifications by country and region. This comprehensive review of workers’ rights under national laws and practices in 148 countries is the only database of its kind currently in existence.

From the ITUC, violations of workers’ rights are based on standards recognized by international organizations, such as the International Labor Organization, set up by governments, employers, and workers. The methodology is based on standards related to fundamental rights at work in particular The right to freedom of association, the right to collective bargaining, and the right to strike. Data were obtained from responses to questionnaires sent to 331 national centers in 163 countries for reporting labor rights abuses.

The right to strike is violated in 87 per cent of countries

The ITUC report asserts that defending social justice and workers’ rights implies Increased risks and dangers in 2022, where democracy is violated in most workplaces. In four out of five countries the right to collective bargaining is restricted, and in a third of countries collective action is violently suppressed. The number of states excluding union membership or the creation of a union increased from 106 in 2021 to 113 in 2022, and states violently suppressing collective action increased from 45 in 2021 to 50 in 2022. In 87% of countries the right to strike was violated .

Trade unionists were killed in 13 countries, Freedoms of assembly and expression are denied or restricted in 41% of countries. Workers do not have access to justice, or have restricted access, in 66% of countries. In 2022 in 69 countries, there were arrests or arrests for union reasons and / or labor disputes, in a large number of countries the exercise of the right to strike was restricted, in 129 out of 148. Strikes were suppressed, and promoters of were prosecuted themselves in most cases Participants suffer from separation on many occasions.

Laws are a very effective and powerful tool For social transformation and protection of rights at work. During the past year, positive legal measures have been taken to promote workers’ rights, as well as social progress, and positive legal measures have been taken to further promote workers’ rights in The European Union, Uganda and the United StatesAnd the Demonstrating the ability of trade union organizations to influence social progress and improvements in the collective and individual rights of workers.

In other countries, however, governments have adopted retrograde laws This seriously undermined the basic rights of workers. Repressive laws have been used to suppress workers’ rights in Egypt, India, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova and Malawi, from restricting the right to strike, and restricting collective bargaining rights to prevent the movement of independent unions. Increasingly authoritarian governments are resorting to new laws in an attempt to restrict human and labor rights.

These abuses in the world of work occur in a context marked by the devastating impact of wars. The Russian invasion of Ukraine led to armed conflict in Europe, but other armed conflicts continue in the Middle East, Asia and Africa. Difficulties Get decent jobs Present in all regions, high unemployment rates, precarious employment, and the informal economy persist, exacerbated by the energy crisis and uncontrolled prices combined with historical levels of inequality, climate emergency, and loss of lives and livelihoods in the wake of the pandemic.

For the ITUC, the social contract has been brokenIts recovery requires placing the international struggle against labor rights abuses and assaults on democracy at the center of political, economic and social goals. A new social contract must be built with a Rule the new worldwhich includes regulating decent work in the global supply chains of multinational corporations along with promoting equality, and eradicating poverty in defense of democracy and human rights.

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