Jayro Bustamante’s La Llorona was nominated at the 2021 Satellite Awards

Jayro Bustamante’s La Llorona was nominated at the 2021 Satellite Awards

Another achievement for Not Eurona! The film is directed by Guatemala Giro Bustamante It was Nominated for the 25th Satellite Awards from the United States. An achievement that fills us with great pride. We tell you the details of this new achievement for the movie.

The International Press Academy – Iba – revealed the satellite award-nominated productions, including the third film by Giro Bustamante. What a chile!

Jayro Bustamante’s La Llorona was nominated at the 2021 Satellite Awards

Not EuronaAnd the From Jayro Bustamante, I got a Motion Picture International nomination And compete on an award With Another tour Denmark , Tove, Finland, Sun, Taiwan, Galicato, India, I am not here anymore Mexico, Atlantis , Ukraine and my little sister, Switzerland. two of us, France.

Photo description: Jairou Bustamante poses with part of the La Eurona team and Guatemalan chefs. (Credit: Giro Bustamante)

The IPA selected nominees in 35 categories: 22 films and 13 television categories that presented both domestic and international screenings. The Assumed products They had advanced shows and film festivals like BAFTA, Cannes, Sundance, Telluride, and TIFF, as well as projectors for journalists.

is being This is not the first time that a Guatemalan production has received these awards. In 2016, Ixcanul received an award Best first feature At the 20th ceremony for these awards. Winners will know next February 15 And in advance we wish you every success.

The Achievements of La Llorona

Jayro Bustamante produced a sensation worldwide, which is why it has been featured in numerous magazines Universally known He has received many awards and nominations. If you haven’t seen the movie yet, here are some Places you can see it.

Photo description: Close-up of Maria Mercedes Coroy, actress from La Eurona. (Credits. La Llorona movie)

2020 was an important year for Guatemalan production that took on significance Awards and nominations of between it:

  • In the Top 100 Movies on Rotten Tomatoes
  • It is among the top 100 movies according to Rolling Srone
  • CRFIC Special Jury Prize 2020
  • 9 awards at the Ecaro Festival
  • Best Non-English Film Boston Society of Film Critics
  • Chosen to represent Guatemala in Goya and the Oscars 2021.

The pride of two young men!

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