La Granada – Afghans mobilized to demand the United States lift sanctions against the Taliban

La Granada – Afghans mobilized to demand the United States lift sanctions against the Taliban

Kabul. Dozens took to the streets of this city yesterday to demand the United States lift sanctions against the Taliban and unfreeze the Afghan Central Bank’s billions of dollars worth of assets abroad to restore the ailing economy.

The protesters complained that the sanctions worsened the economic situation in the country, which is facing a catastrophic humanitarian crisis, in statements to the Afghan Pajhwok News Agency.

The mobilization follows the one that occurred on December 21, when hundreds of protesters marched in the capital’s streets towards the US Embassy to demand the release of nearly $10 billion in frozen funds.

Relations between the international community and Afghanistan have not had their best moment since mid-August, when the Taliban stormed the capital, Kabul, to take control of the country after former President Ashraf Ghani fled.

Since then, international pressures have made humanitarian aid conditional on the implementation of important developments in the field of inclusion and human rights, particularly those relating to women and girls in the country.

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