La Jornada – Mexico complies with Trade Facilitation: SE

La Jornada – Mexico complies with Trade Facilitation: SE

Mexico City. Luz Maria de la Mora, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Trade said Friday that Mexico is committed to facilitating trade in the North American region, as it is a major factor in increasing competitiveness in the Treaty of Mexico, the United States and Canada (T-MEC) area. The Ministry of Economy.

When asked about the accusations made by US private sector organizations in a letter to Catherine Tye, the representative of the United States Trade Bureau (USTR), regarding the alleged violation of 12 chapters of the trade agreement by Mexico, the official indicated that the facilitation is an issue that has been discussed with both The two partners.

“We have many obligations that are binding commitments and cooperation commitments, because what the three countries are looking for is to achieve effective and competitive integration,” he added, before recalling the seventh chapter of the agreement, which deals with facilitation.

He explained that the first committee T-MEC met was the Facilitation Committee, in which SAT and SE participated.

He highlighted that “Mexico, along with the various authorities in the US and Canada, has this issue as central and trade facilitation issues related to all three and it is part of the agenda, not only of T-MEC but also part of the agenda. We are working in the World Trade Organization, because they are undoubtedly factors to increase the region’s competitiveness. “

According to the Alliance to Trade Enforcement (AFTE), Mexico failed in at least 12 chapters, including facilitating trade, blocking energy projects, and proposing protectionist policies on films and audiovisual content, among others.

“AFTE hopes that the United States Trade Representative’s office will put an end to problematic business practices in Mexico,” said Brian Bomber, the association’s executive director.

With regard to the site, he explained that it is a tool for inter-ministerial work and links with the private sector, which will allow to identify and improve conditions that impede foreign trade operations in Mexico.

He pointed out that the goal of the committee is to facilitate coordination between agencies and entities of the federal public administration that participate within the scope of their powers in regulating programs and procedures in foreign trade affairs.

Participating in the committee are the secretariats of the economy (SE), external relations (SRE), national defense (Sedena), finance and public credit (SHCP), environment and natural resources (Semarnat), energy (Sener), agriculture and rural development (outbound), communications and transportation (SCT) and health (SSa).

Additionally, the Bank of Mexico, the Tax Administration Service (SAT), the National Commission for Improving Regulation, and the Federal Commission for Economic Competition.

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