La Nación / A row of over 5 vaccination blocks in the Sports section

La Nación / A row of over 5 vaccination blocks in the Sports section

The United States Legislature sent a memorandum to the President of his country, Joe Biden, expressing concern about the pressures that the People’s Republic of China is creating in the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.

According to the US Congress, China is exploiting the desperation of the Western Hemisphere countries by offering to help donate COVID-19 vaccines in exchange for cutting diplomatic ties with Taiwan.

“Once all Americans have a great opportunity to be vaccinated, we must act to ensure that our allies and our neighbors also get these life-saving vaccines from reliable sources.” This is the official request made by members of Congress in North America to their president.

Read also: Taiwan accuses China of trying to woo Paraguay with “vaccine diplomacy.”

US lawmakers are asking the Biden administration to work with democratic nations allied with the United States to mitigate the influence of China, which is generating pressure through its vaccines Sinovac and Sinopharm.

In the document, the US Congress affirmed that the People’s China is taking measures to take advantage of the deadly virus COVID-19 and use its vaccines to force countries to comply with its will. He gives as an example the aid allegedly provided by China to our country, on the condition of severing diplomatic relations with Taiwan.

“For example, the government of Paraguay, Taiwan’s only remaining ally in South America, announced in March that the People’s Republic of China had approached offers of Chinese products (vaccines) in exchange for cutting ties with Taiwan.” Cross the document.

In this sense, it also highlights that the Republic of China (Taiwan) has worked with India to achieve the vaccine donation to Paraguay. However, she made it clear that Paraguay’s request for vaccines was not completely satisfied with the donation, and that there were still strong concerns about pressure from mainland China on Paraguay.

It may interest you: The People’s Republic of China is implementing “vaccine diplomacy” to obtain benefits, according to the analyst

“The global vaccine distribution system has done little to alleviate the desperation felt by many countries in the hemisphere to combat COVID-19. When it comes to Paraguay, for example, Covax has only shipped 36,000 doses of vaccines to a population of seven million. So, India donated 200,000 cofaxine vaccine to Paraguay, “says the US Congress.

As evidence of the pressure exerted by the People’s Republic of China, the legislative branch is also using the fact recorded with Guyana, which has reneged on its agreement with Taiwan, to establish a representative and office in Guyana. They have managed that this change in decision is due to the pressure that Beijing has put on Guyana, where it has offered to donate 20,000 doses of Chinese vaccines.

El Salvador thanked the People’s Republic of China publicly for its promise of 1 million doses of Senovac. Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador and Peru have reportedly approved the use of vaccines from the People’s Republic of China, ”state legislators.

Finally, they urge the US president to work with Taiwan, allies and global vaccine distribution systems to ensure that countries in the Western Hemisphere will be able to obtain vaccines free from the notorious intimidation tactics of the People’s Republic of China.

Also read: Paraguay received its first batch from Taiwan to purchase Covaxin vaccines

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