LaLiga expects to improve its business income by 24% thanks to the international business

LaLiga expects to improve its business income by 24% thanks to the international business

LaLiga wants to take another leap into the commercial division in an extraordinary season. The goal of the employers of the professional club is to reach an income of just over one hundred and twelve million euros, an increase of 24% compared to the previous season. This was confirmed by Oscar May, Head of International Business at LaLiga Prof. Five days.

LaLiga tries to increase other types of income for which there is room for growth. The absence of fans in the stadiums greatly reduced the income of clubs, which is why he discovered new business avenues.

One of them is sponsorship, where the Spanish Football Federation has made a big leap in recent years: the 2014-2015 season barely exceeded $ 40 million, while in 2019-2020 it was close to 90 million, more than double. Almost 80% of this income was generated only in Spain. Now, the ratio is 50% between the Spanish state and abroad.

Asia, the Middle East and Africa markets are major growth axes. There LaLiga will launch a subscription platform that will spread across 70 markets over two years: LaLiga Xtra. “It is a paid application that gives users access to the content of the Spanish football competition. The goal is to reach 18 markets in the Middle East and Africa, which are two of the markets in which we enjoy the most growth and have the greatest economic potential.”May says.

LaLiga plans to reach 70 markets in the Middle East and Africa region with Orange, as well as pursue other distribution agreements to reach Europe and the Asia Pacific region. For this part, Mondia will be responsible for developing and maintaining Implementation And mergers between LaLiga and Orange, as well as app marketing and payments.

Through agreements with companies like Disney, Nintendo, or Sony, Mondia specializes in marketing and distributing digital content. The company works with more than 80 telecom groups around the world and 1,000 content providers in 48 countries.

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