Manos Unidas is organizing a virtual solidarity dinner at Alt Camp to raise money for Uganda

Manos Unidas is organizing a virtual solidarity dinner at Alt Camp to raise money for Uganda

The funds will be allocated to a project to improve food security and farm family income in the Mbarara region.

Manos Unidas will be celebrating May 3 and 10 Hungry dinner Alcover, La Riba, Picamoixons, La Masó, El Milà, and Fontscaldes. The proceeds will be used for the Manus UNidas project “Improving Food Security and Income of Farmer Families in the Mbarara District” in Uganda. Participants of the Solidarity Dinner will be required to make a financial contribution of € 12.

This region is a low agricultural area due to deforestation, drought and lack of agricultural knowledge of peasants from the Banyankole and Bakiga ethnic groups. Most of them live below the poverty line, with an income of 1.5 / day. The health of these families is affected by malnutrition and precarious sanitation of the kitchens and toilets.

It is a training and equipment project for food safety, agricultural techniques, health and hygiene and income generation, both for improving crops and for diversifying new income-generating activities. Tanks will also be built to collect rainwater.

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