Mark Stanley to be the new US ambassador to Argentina: his profile and plans for the country

Mark Stanley to be the new US ambassador to Argentina: his profile and plans for the country

This Saturday government United Stateled by Democrat Joe Biden, confirm kyu Mark Stanley to be your ambassador to Argentina, thus filling the left vacancy Edward PradoThe former diplomat nominated by the former US President Donald Trump.

Although Biden’s nomination of Stanley to represent the United States in Argentina was August Six The past, only today The Senate approved the document Her president introduced her, making Stanley’s arrival in the country official.

A major meeting to support the United States in the agreement with the International Monetary Fund

The future US ambassador to the country predicted aid before the IMF but demanded an economic plan: Businesses exit and 5G on the agenda

with 38 years of experience as a lawyer and 44 years of politics And the General Administration of the United States, upon learning of his official appointment, spoke to the new Texas-born diplomat Dallas Morning News Y statement: “I am grateful for the opportunity to serve my country.”

During Biden Stanley’s election campaign, he headed the movement Biden’s lawyers and currently Volunteer in a number of organizations Texans locals, from the Judo Community Center or El Emanu El temple, To the North Texas Food Bank.

Based on what your law firm indicates, stanley legal group; who works in national class litigation and complex litigation, Stanley is”Prosecuting attorney, political activist, Jewish community leader, and philanthropist“.

Mark Stanley worked as a public service worker in the United States Chairman of the Texas Public Finance Commission; Appointed by former Texas Governor Ann Richards, and as a member of the Board of Visitors Air Force District University from the United States of America, Appointed by Bill Clinton’s Secretary of Defense, William Cohen.

In addition, in 2011 Stanley was appointed by the President Barack Obamaas a member of Holocaust Memorial Museum Board from the United States of America.

Your opinions about Argentina

He was nominated in August for the position which only this Saturday became official, Mark Stanley He already shared his opinion about Argentina with solid lines for the current management of Alberto Fernandez And the situation in the country but with a willingness to Assistance in closing the agreement with International Monetary Fund (IMF).

in conversation with Dallas Morning NewsThe new ambassador confirmed this ‘Buenos Aires is not a low-risk haven’ and that Argentina “is one of the largest economies in the hemisphere” but also “A country ravaged by COVID-19 and recession”.

When he appeared in October before the US Senate for a confirmation hearing, Stanley considered Argentina to pass “Great Economic Challenges” You confirmed that you are looking for him Government support in negotiations with International Monetary Fund (IMF)Although he claimed an accurate economic plan.

Argentina is the third largest economy in Latin America, but It has a long history of economic instability This affected their productivity and competitiveness. Argentina has been in recession since 2018, and Your government should build a framework for macroeconomic policy that puts it on the path to financial sustainability”, which was characteristic of Stanley at the time.

In this line, Ambassador A . claimed Solid macroeconomic plan Until the national economy recovers from the hands of the International Monetary Fund. Regarding the agreement with the authority, Stanley Airers said: “They haven’t done it yet but they say they’ll get to one soon”.

Finally, in his presentation to the Senate, he emphasized that pursuit Deepening trade relations between the United States and Argentina“If I am assured, I will continue to be committed to the Argentine government to meet these challenges,” Stanley said at the time.

He predicted his plans in front of the embassy: “Discover chances Expand U.S. trade and investment in industries such as mining, cybersecurity, pharmacy, and technology‘, he finished.

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