Medical students from UA de C stand out in the National Test for Medical Aspiration Residences

Medical students from UA de C stand out in the National Test for Medical Aspiration Residences

Thanks to the commitment of students and teachers, the Saltillo unit, the Torreon unit and the Northern College of Medicine of the Autonomous University of Coahuila stood out in the ENARM National Exam for Aspirants of Medical Residences, given that more than 50 percent of the graduates who supported the test were selected to take a medical specialty.

ENARM is an annual application evaluation administered and organized by the Inter-Institutional Committee for Training for Health Human Resources (CIFRHS), which aims to create a select group of candidates with the highest scores to gain a place in the medical specialty of their choice.

The examination is carried out through audited and documented processes at its various stages and with a comprehensive safety system to ensure the quality of the process, it is a tool for measuring knowledge in the context of objective and consensual general medicine practice, which constitutes the first stage of the entry process into the National System of Medical Residences (SNRM).

On the one hand, the Torreon College of Medicine had 193 supporters, 100 of whom were selected, giving an overall average of 63.02 and a percentage of 51.81 chosen, and the Medical School of Saltillo had 149 supporters, 82 of whom were selected and had an overall average of 62.72 and a percentage. Selected 55.03, while the College of Medicine in the North had 40 subjects, they chose 20 of them, and had an overall average of 63.15 and a select ratio of 50 percent.

The Director of the Torreon Unit at the Faculty of Medicine, Dr. Salvador Chavaria Vásquez, commented that the campus ranked tenth among all public and private universities in the country, and this speaks of the academic quality provided by the utmost studies house.

“This means a great responsibility and a commitment to pursue strategies that allow for the spread among the top ten medical residency sponsors of choice. We must highlight the support of University President Salvador Hernandez Velez, who has been essential in leading to the implementation of the projects that today give us these results,” he said.

He pointed out that the university has committed to students who can reach a very solid curriculum and teacher preparation, which allows comprehensive training for students and thus these wonderful results are obtained.

For his part, Director of the Medical College Unit of Saltillo, Dr. Jes أنs Angel Padilla Gamez, said that the campus has ranked 12th, which is the product of the work and dedication of teachers and students, who strive day after day to improve.

“The aim of the college is to continue climbing in the national ranking, and we are pleased to be among the first places, and we know that we still have a lot to do and are preparing to continue improving and standing in ENARM,” he commented.

He added that choosing the students is an appreciation for their efforts and encouragement to advance their careers, as well as an appreciation for their university, as they got the tools needed to get to where they are.

Specialties in which residents who took the national test for aspirants to medical residences were integrated are: anesthesiology, general surgery, epidemiology, quality of clinical care, audiology, otology, speech therapy, geriatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, diagnostic and therapeutic imaging, sports and activity medicine. Physical, rehabilitation medicine, emergency medicine, family medicine, internal medicine, nuclear medicine, nuclear imaging, ophthalmology, clinical pathology, paediatrics, psychiatry, trauma and orthopedics. (The Herald)

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