Mexico and the United States are neighbors, partners, and strategic allies

Mexico and the United States are neighbors, partners, and strategic allies

In recent days I made my first virtual visit to the United States and had the opportunity to meet with my counterparts in that country: Catherine Tay, the US Trade Representative, Gina Raymondo of the Commerce Department, as well as White House officials.

The purpose of these meetings was to follow up on the March 1 meeting of Presidents Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador and Joe Biden, as they both reaffirmed the strong relationship between Mexico and the United States.

The purpose of this visit was to establish a first contact with my counterparts in the Biden administration. The objectives were, but not limited to, establishing commitment to bilateral cooperation, reviewing aspects of the trade agenda, implementation status of the Agreement between Mexico, the United States and Canada (T-MEC) and exploring new opportunities. To cooperate and enhance investment to increase competitiveness and the ability to achieve development in our economies.

I met the United States Trade Representative, Catherine Tye, with whom she agreed on the importance of continuing to work to ensure that the treaty is synonymous with the well-being of our nations. Moreover, we highlight that the economic relationship that exists today between our two countries is characterized by great dynamism and deep integration. This is the result of production chains and the strengthening of industrial and agricultural activity that has developed on both sides of the border as a result of the institutionalization of NAFTA. Likewise, it reiterated President Lopez Obrador’s commitment to achieving its effective implementation.

I have spoken with Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo about the importance of strengthening our trade relations. In the same way, we committed ourselves to work side by side in re-launching the High-Level Economic Dialogue (DEAN) and in achieving more inclusive and fair trade that supports small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), and integrates more. Women to productive activity and to foster innovation.

In my meeting with Director of the National Economic Council, Brian Daisy, we agreed that our programs and strategies for economic recovery must be supportive of each other, because we are essential trading partners. In addition to the above, we agree on the need to build reliable, secure and resilient value chains in North America. This is essential to continue strengthening ourselves as one of the most reliable, safe and competitive regions in the world.

T-MEC reaffirms the three nations’ commitment to building a more integrated North America ready to meet the challenges of the 21st century economy.

This visit was a critical step for the work that we are doing, from the Economy Ministry, with the Biden administration to strengthen relations between our two countries. Together, Mexico and the United States are committed to this historic opportunity to deepen our fruitful integration into North America and make the most of our commercial relationship, which will translate into greater well-being for our peoples.

Minister of Economy
Twitter: tatclouthier

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