Militants seize villages in Congo near Uganda on the border with Rwanda

Militants seize villages in Congo near Uganda on the border with Rwanda

near the border with Uganda And Rwanda A local official and a group of activists said on Monday that armed men had captured at least two villages in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) overnight.

Presenter Mohendo Luanzo, Area Admin Assistant rochoro, He blamed the fighters M23, A rebel group captured large swathes of territory in 2012 and 2013.

the two villages, chanzo And the birds It was the last stronghold of M23 before Congolese forces and United nations Persecuted in Uganda and Rwanda in 2013.

Since then, regional efforts have been made to demobilize the fighters, but the group has complained about the slow implementation of a peace agreement and some have returned to Congo.

It was not immediately possible to ascertain the identity of the gunmen who took over the two villages. M23 officials and spokesmen for the Congolese army and government did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Luanzu said the gunmen stormed Chanzo and Runyoni simultaneously around 11 p.m. Sunday.

“Our forces are now carrying out counter-attack operations because they discovered during the night that the enemy is coming from Rwanda,” Luanzu told Reuters by phone.

UN investigators have accused Rwanda and Uganda, which intervened militarily in Congo During two regional wars two decades ago, he supported the March 23 Movement. Both countries deny this.

Armed clashes in the Congo

The clashes caused the displacement of the residents of the area.

A group of activists from Congo Clashes with light and heavy weapons were reported on Sunday night, forcing people to leave their homes and cross the border Bunagana towards Uganda.

“Uganda is witnessing an influx of refugees from the Democratic Republic of the Congo,” he said. Irene Nacasita From the Uganda Red Cross Society.

On Sunday evening, the United States issued a security alert, warning of a possible attack on the provincial capital an eraser, located about 50 kilometers (31 miles) southwest of Qaryatayn, and advised his crew to guard in place.

A Reuters journalist said that all the main streets in Goma were later filled with soldiers.

employment Truth news We will follow the latest news from Congo Like an unknown disease that killed 165 children.

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