MIR 2022 | Internal medicine, the most incidental specialty

MIR 2022 |  Internal medicine, the most incidental specialty

Alejandro Cuellar.

date Mir 2022 It is approaching and thousands of medical graduates are immersed in the final months of preparation. Like every week, in order to make it easier for students to do homework, medical writing It delves into one of the disciplines that make up the exam. On this occasion, to address the branch Internal Medicine, responsible for the treatment of diseases affecting various organs and which combines the functions of many specialists, and the newspaper cooperates with Alejandro Cuellar, spokesperson for the United FSE platform and resident in internal medicine at the Complejo Asistencial Universitario de León.

First, Cuéllar highlights “Ability to integrate” In internal medicine, a trait he shares Primary health care, which is one of the most popular disciplines. According to residents’ estimates: An internist can treat up to 80 percent of clinical diseases that occur in the daily life of the hospital. Therefore, internal medicine can be considered The “mother” specialty from which the rest of the specializations emergeHow could they be cardiologyKidney disease or lung disease.

Therefore, although the doctor asserts that no specific content of the specialty has more or less weight in relation to MIRT Exam, consider that there are parts that are still “exclusive” to Interna such as intended, “One of the most important classes of MIR preparation”.

Along these lines, Cuéllar highlights other contents to consider such as gastrointestinal disease, lung disease, heart failure, or cardiovascular risk factors. “Being a cross-sectional discipline that encompasses almost all disciplines, Cannot be categorized in order of importance. The internist should be able to resolve the MIR to a large extent, logically removing the surgical segments and over-specialty questions.”

“We can’t make MIR what it is now, a bubble of tension, comparisons and uncertainty”

In this regard, like the various associations, unions and various groups, Cuellar criticizes the loss of the general vision of the examination which, in his opinion, should Assessment of knowledge of medicine as a whole. “There is more and more hyper-specialization with regard to MIR questions directed at very specific issues. Questions with ambiguous answers”, he explains. Based on his personal experience, as an applicant for MIR 2021, he maintains that a large number of questions on the test are “almost impossible to answer,” even with evidence up front.

Faced with this situation, a spokesperson for the United FSE platform recommends applicants “Diving” is among the most popular contentknowledge of managing diabetes, acute myocardial infarction, heart failure, gastritis, EPOC or pneumonia, which are “frequently asked” topics. I will focus on knowing how to deal with the most common diseases, their treatment and how to diagnose them. It is not only important for the inhabitants of Mir, but also for the residence,” he emphasizes.

Tip 1: Mental health

‘Give priority’ Psychological health And don’t underestimate yourself.”. This is the main advice that the former aspirant gives to all those medical graduates immersed in the preparation. in this meaning, The doctor notes that the MIR is not a sprint, but a “marathon” Where you have to get rid of the comparisons.

“You have your own MIR and you will be a number compared to the rest, but you are neither better nor worse. Everyone has their circumstances. If you can’t follow a student one day, you close the book‘, he advises, noting that mental health and relationship care should always be prioritized.

“We can’t make MIR what it is now, a bubble of tension, comparisons and uncertainty”He criticizes Cuellar, who also understands that nerves can become a candidate’s “worst enemy.”

Therefore, applicants are suggested to take the study calmly and calmly. “Read, reread, go ahead and ask. They must Create a system that is not overwhelming and has ambitious but achievable goals,” concludes the internal medicine resident, realizing that MIR preparation is a “difficult phase, full of doubts and uncertainties.”

Although it may contain statements, statements or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information in medical writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend that the reader be consulted on any health-related question with a healthcare professional.

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