Phone register. Fines if you do not register the biometric data

Phone register.  Fines if you do not register the biometric data

This Saturday, April 17th, they went into effect Reforms and additions to the various provisions of the Federal Communications and Broadcasting Law (LFTR), which The National Register of Mobile Phone Users, and he A database with information on the carriers of each mobile phone line in Mexico.

The The aim of this registry is to cooperate with the relevant authorities in security matters. And justice in matters related to the commission of crimes in terms of the applicable legal provisions, According to the decree was published in Official Journal of the Federation (Ministry of Finance).

Each of the 124 million phone lines in the country, according to calculations by the consultancy TelconomíaYou must be registered with the National Mobile User Registry. Those who already have a number for a long time should go to register at the distribution center of the company providing the service.

If you don’t do this, The provision of the service related to the concerned mobile phone will be canceled, without the right to reactivate, pay or compensate.

What data will you need? provide?

For every phone line, that is, for each SIM card you have, the National Mobile Phone User Registry will contain the following information about its holder:

  • Line number Mobile phone.
  • The date and time of activation From the purchased mobile phone line to the SIM card.
  • full name Or, where applicable, the user’s name or company name.
  • nationality.
  • Official identification number With a photo or CURP of the font holder.
  • User biometric data And, where applicable, the legal representative of the legal entity, in accordance with the general administrative provisions issued for this purpose by the Federal Institute of Communications (IFT).
  • Title To the user.
  • Data of the telecommunications concessionaire or delegates when required.
  • Recruitment scheme Mobile phone line, postpaid or prepaid.
  • Notifications that update the information referenced in this article.

The The information in the log will be confidential and preserved In terms of the general law on transparency and access to public information, the general law for the protection of personal data in possession of binding subjects and the federal law for the protection of personal data in the possession of private parties.

What will happen if you do not register?

Telecommunication concessionaires, or licensees where applicable, He will bear the following violations By not registering users:

  1. The sudden effect of registering a mobile phone number, beyond the conditions stipulated in the general administrative provisions.
  2. Failure to register a mobile phone number.
  3. Not registering amendments or submitting notifications that update the registry information referred to in Article 180 bis of this law.
  4. Inappropriate use of certificates, documents and other means of identification related to mobile phone number registration.
  5. Amending, deleting, simulating or allowing illegal registrations or notices, recording false data, providing false information or providing information to users or third parties who do not have the right, or unauthorized access to the information of the national registry for mobile phone users or not reporting any Violating you are obligated to do so.
  6. Take advantage of the information, documents or coupons from the National Register of Mobile Phone Users, to obtain undue profit, directly or through a third party.

the user A service owner who does not recognize a mobile phone number linked to his name as his own Or the company name, the IFT, the telephone franchise holder, or, where applicable, the authorized person may be required to update or remove the corresponding information from the registry.

However, lCancellation of a mobile phone number in the National Register of Mobile Phone Users Does not mean deleting the corresponding record, The record of the number associated with that person will be kept for six months.

Therefore, IFT It will enable consultation mechanisms so that any natural or legal person who reliably establishes his identity can refer only to the phone numbers associated with him.

What will be the fines and penalties?

Accordingly, whoever commits the crimes referred to in the previous article shall be punished with the following fines: Some amount to over a million pesos:

  • From 20 to 50 UMAs, that is, From $ 1,792.4 to 4,481 pesosTo incur a violation 1.
  • 500 to 1000 UMA, sea, From 44,810 dollars to 89,620 dollars pesos, For crimes 2 and 3.
  • From 2000 to 4 thousand UMA, From $ 179,240 to $ 358,480 pesosOn crime 4.
  • From 10 thousand to 15 thousand UMA, From $ 896,200 to $ 1,344,300 pesos5.
  • Double to triple the unworthy profit obtained for that which was included in the crime. 6.

What is the deadline for registration?

In the event that Registration of mobile phone lines in any form previously obtained Upon entry into force of the decree, telecommunications franchisees and, where applicable, licensees will have a two-year period from the date of its publication to comply with registration obligations.

During this period, the federal government, through the Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunications (IFT), as well as telecommunications companies, It should conduct a media campaign targeting its clients, With the expectation that they will be allowed to comply with their obligation to register and update their data.

For this purpose, users must present the SIM card, either physically or digitally, to the merchant, in addition to the documents mentioned above. They should also be informed that, If this procedure is not performed within the specified period, the provision of the service will be canceled. Related to the concerned mobile phone line, without the right to reactivate, pay or compensate.

After the specified period for registering holders or owners of mobile phone lines, IFT will ask merchants to cancel immediately From mobile phone lines that have not been identified or registered by users or customers.

to me New mobile phone users, Telecom franchisees must register after a period of six months from IFT’s issuance of the general administrative provisions referred to in the decree.

Who will be able to access your data?

According to the decree, Law enforcement and security management authorities, That according to the powers stipulated in its applicable laws, it has an explicit authority to request the data of the National Registry of Mobile Phone Users from the Institute, and they will have access to the corresponding information in accordance with the provisions of Articles 189 and 190 of the LFTR and other relative provisions.

Who will operate the phone recording?

IFT, which is the independent body responsible for regulating the telecommunications and radiocommunication sector, will maintain the Public Communications Registry, which will consist of the Public Registry of Concessions, the National Register of Mobile Phone Users and the National Information System Infrastructure, in accordance with the provisions of this law and its provisions.

According to the provisions, IFT will have six months to install, operate, regulate, and maintain the standardWith its approved budget resources in the current fiscal year.

While that, Dealers will be responsible for covering implementation, maintenance and operating costs, Including connection to registry servers.

With information from Yanin Alvaro.


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